
After highschool, i want to be pediatric but will take 8 yrs. i want kids but dont want 2 b old?

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when i graduate from highschool ill be 18. i want 2 b a pediatric & that will take like 8yrs. when i graduate from college ill be 26 going on 27. i want to at least be engaged during college & get married afterwards. is being like in late 20s a good time to have kids b/c i dont want to already be in 40s when my kid is like only 10 or 11. what should i do?




  1. You are so young right now, you really should not worry about this. You have a lot of time in your future to think about this, and I am certain your mind will change. And it is better to have children when you have a solid job, a solid marriage, and you are more able to take care of children. So being in your late 20s is perfectly fine. I plan to have my first child when I am 27.

  2. Have kids on the last year of college.


  4. You'll change your mind on that.  40 something really isn't that old.  There are a lot of people having babies in their 30's.

    Edit: As far as being engaged in college, that may or may not happen.  I was 29 when I got engaged, and got married a few months later.

  5. Go for your dream.......everything else will fall into place. There is no perfect time to have children. What is good for one person might not be good for someone else.

  6. Okay it sounds like you haven't really made up your mined on how badly you want kids because if you have them in your late 20's early 30's its not that bad my mother had me at 37 and I'm 15 going on 16 now so its either your job your kids or you can except it and do both

  7. Don't fret about it.  Forty is a long ways off, lots of people marry while in graduate school.

  8. Stop planning.

    Stop planning.

    Stop planning.

    Be a doctor. Work towards that, and make that your goal. That will be your highest priority. Nothing else.

  9. Just go with the f l o w ! ! !

  10. Cara is right- stop worrying about having a family- you are too young to be planning that anyway. Focus on your dream of becoming a doctor- that's much more important. I have a brother who's in his final year of medical school right now, and he's 27. He's dating a fellow medical student, and it's likely that they will marry once they both finish their residencies. HE'S not worried about how old he will be when his kids are young- and you shouldn't be either. Trust me, it will all work out the way you want it to. Think about it.

  11. I know what you mean.  I want kids in my 20s, but a little bit earlier than you.  I always resented my parents having me when they were older (i was #6) because it never seemed like they had as much energy as I would have liked.  I'd ask them to take me somewhere and they would say they were too tired.  I relied on my siblings.

    I think its better to have children younger.

    If you can find the right guy, though, you can pursue your dream and children with his support.

  12. Do you mean pediatrician? If you do, than it will take longer than 8 year.  You do 4 years of college (choose a good major that you can use if you don't get into med school) than 4 years of med school, then you have to do at least 3 years as a resident.  Also, those years of schooling are just the minimum. For many students, it take them longer.  As for children, my mother had my sister at 40 and my other siblings and I in her 20's.  It is actually becoming common for couples to wait until they are in their 30's to have children.

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