
After how long of being jobless and poverty stricken should one decide to end it all?

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After how long of being jobless and poverty stricken should one decide to end it all?




  1. You don't end it all, you just keep on tryin til something good happens.

  2. Never give up. One should never let the fighter in him die. There already are organizations out there to help people out. I heard the united nations have launched a campaign to end poverty by 2015. They also has a community . So why should one give up?

  3. Boo Hoo, shut the he11 up. I hate crybabies like you. Do us all a favor, & just do it already so we won't have to hear your whiny voice

  4. About now.

  5. Take it from me!The first 99years are the worst!Seriosly:Hang in there !Why?There ia a General Election just around the corner and there may be a few political surprises for this 'fool' Gordon Brown!

  6. I think about 1 hour.

  7. if you are a loser of witch i think your not, then seek help, otherwise go out and joins job agencies, there is loads of work with quite good pay,

  8. Sell the gun or knife to continue?

  9. No . ?You should keep trying hard.Never give up.

  10. Never Give Up. As Long as you have a breath in your body. After the darkest part of night, is the dawn.

  11. Never - it's very easy.  Go back to school - and stay off drugs and alcohol.

    End of problem!

  12. Many years ago a man told me that his wife had committed suicide and left him with 7 children, he was living in virtual poverty in Glasgow without the benefit system we have now. He said he felt like committing suicide himself but instead went to the cinema, he sat at the interval and thought what would be the best thing to do.

    He took a dead end job and worked his way up, from that other opportunities came his way.His children are all in their 40's and 50's now.

    Nothing is unobtainable you just have to have a dream or a goal to start you off.

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