
After how long would an ear piercing take to close up?

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after you've had it for 11 years. I haven't had earrings in for a while and I don't want my hole to close!




  1. it depends on the person.

    I can go months and months without wearing earrings.

    while my friends go weeks.

  2. 11 years!!! they tell you after you've gotten your ear pierced to leave it in 24/7 for 6 weeks. after that you can take it out for a while and put it back in, no problem.. as long as you give the whole time to heal, it should stay there!

    why don't you put in earrings for a bit every once in a while if you are worried??

  3. it wont close fully but the back of the hole might become tight. when u want to wear earrings just push it through and the hole will open fully again.  but the hole wont close at this point. you've had it for too long.  

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