
After how many dates I should tell her I love you?

by Guest34518  |  earlier

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I loved her from the moment I saw her, and I don't want to scar here away




  1. be very sure of your feelings.  Love isn't anything to be taken lightly.  Get to really know her.  Love at first sight is alot different than true love.  Once you are really sure, and you think she feels the same way, then tell her.  Good luck!

  2. My friend I can understand what you are going through

    Just relax and take your time

    Have a look at the articles in the link and you will get a fair idea about your answer

    I will pray for you till then


  3. There's not a set amount. How do you know she's not asking herself the very same question?  

  4. *shrugs* About 6 months +.  You haven't "loved" her from the moment you saw her, you have "lusted" her from the moment you saw her.  You know absolutely nothing meaningful about her (which will take time because people try to hide their faults initially when dating) and it is those details of her inner being which really matter when it comes to saying "I love you".

  5. Honestly, if you two have a deep connection, she shouldn't be scared. You can always do what my boyfriend did, and give a "pre-speech", before saying it, so to speak. He was like "Look, I know we've only been going out for a few weeks, but its just been in the back of my mind to tell you, and I feel like I need to tell you. I don't want you to feel like you're required to say anything back, cause you're not, and I just wanted you to know...that I love you". People say I love you at different times, and it honestly does depend on the people. Some people can say it after a day, some say it after a year or two.

    And,hey, I didn't get scared away...but it did take me about a month to realize I loved him back too, and he honestly didn't mind. I'm 20, and he's a year older...and we've been going out for 2 years now.

  6. My husband knew he loved me from the first time he talked to me.  He kept saying he just wanted to be with me.

    I had just come out of an abusive 18 year marriage .  So although it was great to hear it did scare me off.  I told him to back off or I would not date him. But in a nice way.

    We started off slow and after awhile I realized what a great guy he really was.  But I was still gun shy. He was patient and since he had also been married before wasn't in a hurry either although he put an engagement ring on my finger 5 months after we met.  

    I married him 7 years later.  We just celebrated 22 years !  

    Take it slow.   You can always show her !!!!!  Then if things go well and you are still dating after about 6 months you can let her know.  

    Good luck !


  7. How many dates? Wait until you've lost count of how many times you've gone out or how many times you've had s*x (if you're sexually active with her). If you're still in the counting the minutes with and without you kind of phase, you're not in love. You're infatuated and it's creepy and immature to say "I love you" when you're just feeling romantic. I'd think a guy was a moron if he didn't wait long enough to say "I love you".  

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