
After how many dates is it proper to kiss them?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a guy for about a month and a half. We would hang out for about an hour or two everyday, sometimes at night. We weren't in a relationship but we both liked eachother. On our second date he wanted to kiss me but I just didn't feel comfortable kissing a guy so early so he simply kissed me on the cheek. I really liked this guy, but I didn't want to make myself look easy so even though I saw him for a month and a half I never kissed him. He moved away to another country though, and I think he must have lost interest in me because we never did anything. So I was just wondering, when is it proper to give someone a kiss?




  1. Believe me when you WANT a kiss you will ACCEPT it.  I don't think that a kiss will make you seem easy.  Not unless you like stick your tongue down his throat and groap.  As long as your comfortable it will go smoothly.  Maybe he felt lead on?!  Don't worry about him just know you weren't ready and move on.   Don't blame yourself.

  2. Nobody knows how when it's the first time.. it just happens automatically.. I am sure he didn't lose interest in you but he knew he was moving to another country..  you will find out what a kiss is like.. and you will know when the time is right.. there is no right time.. the feeling on both sides has to be there that it's the right moment.. let him  make the first move but if you like him..  don't pull away for fear of not being a good kisser,. nobody expects you to.. You will feel at ease when you meet a guy who shows you respect and cares about you and you feel the same for him.. then you will both see when the right moment is there... x*x

  3. when you feel like it. if you don't feel like it don't do it. its your choice

  4. Simple answer:

    When it feels right. If you do not want to kiss them, then you shouldn't.

    However.. I have kissed girls on the FIRST date before. When it was obvious that we both wanted it to happen. It's all up to the two of you, really.

  5. 3rd date or so if you don't know him well. 2nd date if you know him well

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