
After how many years of not paying a cell phone bill will it go off your credit?

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Isnt there like a 7 year grace period?




  1. Wouldn't it be simpler just to pay the bills you owe, without worrying about this?

  2. I believe that each state has it's own laws about how long something can stay on your credit record.  But the thing with not paying bills is that the cell phone company winds up selling the account to someone else and then they go after you for payment etc.  It is a never ending cycle.  There is stuff on my credit report from a long long time ago.  Companies are now basically writing off the debt and selling that debt to someone else for pennies on the dollar.  The people that they sell these accounts to are unbelievable.... I can just tell you this from my experience.  Better off if you just pay the bill or make an arrangement with the cell phone company so that you can make a small monthly payment.  It will lessen the number of headaches in the long run.

  3. Derogatory items age off your credit report 7-1/2 years from the date of first deficiency.  This is per the FCRA and NOTHING restarts the clock!

    People confuse and merge the reporting period with the Statute of Limitations (SOL), the timeframe to bring lawsuit.  This is governed by state law and varies. Typically the clock starts from the last activity or last payment.  Making a payment restarts the clock.

    Even if a debt is beyong the reporting period and the SOL, collectors can still try to collect.  They can hound you to the grave.

  4. Negative reporting from a creditor will stay on your report for 7 years and can be updated by that creditor after that. You are better to pay up and get on with life!

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