
After i got a shot my arm got swollen. what should i do?

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After i got a shot my arm got swollen. what should i do?




  1. You have a little inflammation there at that site - as a result of the shot.  It's nothing to worry about.  It's just your body's way of protecting you.  

    Ice the site for a few minutes if you got the shot a couple hours ago.  Then you can use a warm compress over the next day or two.

    Panadol, Tylenol, Acetaminophen helps with the pain at the site, and helps with decreasing inflammation.

    Keep your arm elevated whenever possible (if possible).

    The site may get more red, swollen, and painful over the next day or two but the above measures should help and prevent it.

    I'd say go to a doctor if there is no relief after 3 days.

    All the best.

  2. Ice the swelling 15min on, 15 min off.

    If the swelling isnt gone by this time tomorrow, you might want to call the doctor and see what he/she has to say.

  3. It could be an allergic reaction.  I'd call your doctor (tonight) and tell them about it.  If your throat starts feeling tight or you start running a fever, go to the emergency room.  Systemic allergic reactions are not things you want to mess around with.

    It could also just be that they bruised your arm, in which case some ice might help.  Don't ice it for more than 10 minutes without taking a break (5-10 minutes), as the ice can cause tissue damage if you leave it on too long.

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