
After i wash off my make up...

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i always get these little bits of black (from eyeliner, mascara) in my eye. it doesn't hurt at all, but i don't like it in there, obviously.

does this happen to you? and how can i wash it out or prevent it?




  1. It  happens to me too, i usually wash my habds really good and just take it out, since i wear contacts im used to having to put my finger in my eye though lol

    if you dont wanna do that try eye drops, it will wash out the residue

  2. YES THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS you cant really stop it but you can just wash it out with water if its in the corner of your eye just use a wet

    q-tip to get it out (that's what i do)

  3. I never have that you use eyemake-up remover? If not, I suggest doing that, that way your makeup won't flake and go all over your eyes, then you can wash your face.

  4. Yeah it happens to me all the time when I war eyeliner mostly which sucks cause what if it makes your eyesight bad or something I don't know if it does do that but I take my finger tip and take it out. Instead you can buy a eye make-up remover especially for the eye I have one for my face thinking about getting for my eye.  

  5. Yes! I hate it when the mascara and eyeliner clump up in the conner of my eyes. It usually happens when I swim or after I take a shower. Although I wash my face, I am afraid to get soap near my eyes. I have found that using my finger or a wet wash tissue is the best way to remove it without irritating your eye.  

  6. Oh no, dont put a Qtip in your eye...that just sounds like a bad idea...if you have flakes IN your eye you could try to use saline to wash it out..other than that you can try to remove your eye makeup with an eye makeup remover, I use Clinique and it works very nicely.  Please dont put cotton in your eye.

  7. You should wash your face with soap first.

    Then take eyeliner remover and remove the rest.

    If there is still stuff left, take a  q-tip and remove it carefully.

    You should always get everything out. Having make up on during the night is sooo not healthy.  

  8. I wear mascara everyday, to avoid the black stuff in my eye I use a gentle eye makeup remover (the one I use is by Avon) on a dampened cotton pad, and then I saturate a q-tip in water and use it to clean out any black stuff in my eyes. If you soften a q-tip with water first, you barely feel it!

  9. you can prevent it from happening by using water proof make remover by Avon.

  10. Use anything but qtips and lotion.

    Theres always the chance of poking an eye out with a qtip.

    Lotion burns and makes yours eyes red and puffy.

    Vaseline is the best choice.

  11. i use these little eye makeup remover pads from almay. they feel a little bit oily but get the job done. just take one little pad and squeeze out the excess oil. close your eyes tightly and don't press too hard into your eye. just make sure you wipe the pad on your eyes and lashes. it will remove everything!

  12. i get mine out with a q tip, and if you're using a clumpy mascara it's more likely to happen than if you're using a smoother cover girl.

  13. that happens to me all the time.  i usually just blink until it ends up in the corner of my eye so i can wipe them away.   i don't know any way of preventing them... sorry

  14. the best make up remover is vaseline. dab a little on then simply wipe away. don't use too much or your eyes will feel greasy lol. but it will take the make up right now :) then wash your entire face with your normal cleanser.

  15. try taking off all your eye makeup first with baby lotion or moisturizer and a cotton ball...then wash your face...that should...but when i occasionally get those little bits of black in my eye i just use the tip of my pinky finger to get them out lol  

  16. It sound like you are getting black pieces in your eye because you are not doing a good enough job taking off your makeup, which can be very difficult. After washing my face I put a little bit of cream or lotion (i use baby lotion because its gentle) on a qtip and wipe it right under my eye. This takes off the eyeiner much better than most makeup removers. Be careful not to get it in your eye. and you can even put a little (very very little) on your fingers and brush them over your eyelashes if its the mascara that the problem. This should remove most your eyemakeup and keep those little black pieces out of your eye. Good Luck.

  17. This happens to me about once every .65 seconds, and it is REALLY ANNOYING.  I just try to be very thorough with my eye makeup remover (I find it's best to invest in a good quality, oil-based variety), and I use cotton pads instead of cotton balls (the cotton balls leave more junk behind, which just adds up to even more stuff in your eyes).  Beyond that, I find there's not a whole lot to be done about it, except to rinse with eye drops (the moisturizing kind are nice to use before bed anyway; I always wake up with refreshed eyes) and jab my finger in my eye to get all the leftover flakes.

    I agree--it's not pleasant.

  18. lol i dont ever have that happen. take off you mascara first thats what does it. get a special cleaner that will take it off.  

  19. Try using a makeup remover first and then wash your face. If that doesn't work, just rub it off with a small piece of toilet paper or swab. You don't have to touch your eye. lol.

  20. try a different make up remover maybe

    make sure u close ur eyes when u remove it. like take a cotton pad with make up remover on it, close one eye, and just scrub off the make up on the closed eye

    thats what i do and it doesnt happen to me. i hate mascara though its always a mess. when u do it, it will smudge but just rub it off  

  21. i get that TO!!

    all i do is take a q-tip,

    and clean it my mom, and sis get it, they do the same,

  22. that's better than what happened to me once, i was putting on eyeliner for the fun of it and a big piece broke off into by eye.

  23. It happens to me too, it's your mascara flaking off.  Just make sure that you use a really good eye make up remover and it should help minimize it if not stop it all together... Really good water proof mascara is hard to get rid of, but flakes horribly when you wash your face, so try baby oil or even cold cream, which you can find in the drug store.


  24. at target and wal mart and places like that, in the make up remover section ther is a bright blue and white box. but i dont remember the name. im sorry! but thats what i use and its GREAT!  

  25. BEFORE you wash your face take a cotton ball and some eye makeup remover and remove your eye makeup FIRST then wash your face.

  26. That happens to me too, so before it happens in the morning, I use a cotton ball and baby oil and wipe around my eyes real good, then I wash my face, sometimes I do it vice versa cuz the oil moisturizes around my eyes as well.  I found out that this is a very practical and cheap way to do it instead of investing on eye make-up remover. This stuff works best! I live by it..

    Good luck!

  27. It happens all the time,

    what i do is take the tip of my finger,

    making sure it's clean first and dab it on the little bits and it sticks on.

    Prevention; well depending on what you use to take off the make up

    i use a make up removing towelette and i don't open my eye until it's all off.

    I hope this helps.

  28. ohh yes, it happens to everyone that wears eyeliner. they are like black eye boogers, just get them out. but, to prevent waking up with them make sure you take off ALL of your eyeliner.

  29. Remove your eye makeup first with a makeup remover or a cottonball and some lotion, being careful not to get this in your eyes.  Then wash the rest of your face as you normally would and this should eliminate your problem.

  30. put Vaseline around your eye while cleaning. It works i had the same problem. the make up particles get stuck in the Vaseline. AND when you wake up in the AM you have less bags and look fresher.

  31. try using an eye makeup remover BEFORE washing your face. that way most of it will be swiped away and there is less of a chance of any getting in the eyes.

    just make sure that when you take it off with the eye make up remover do it with a cotton pad, NOT TISSUE. that might hurt the delicate skin around the eye area.

    hope this helps!

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