
After lastnight will somebody say Kimbo Slice is a joke?

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He was saved by the bell in the 2nd round against a fighter that was not very good!!Put him in there with a good fighter from the UFC and he's tapping out in 30 sec.!!He's a freak show at best!!What a joke!!




  1. I agree that hw would get his butt kicked quickly against a good mma fighter... no doubt, In fact I thought he was gonna lose last night..

  2. Kind of a less talented, bigger BJ Penn - good for the first 2 minutes and then out of gas.

  3. He can beat up bums and untrained street fighters pretty good but against a talented (or one coming off a 2 and 5 streak) fighter he won't hold his own.  They  should have let Thomson have his way with him.   Would have been brutal on the ground again...

  4. Y'all are all making judgement calls waaaay too soon.

    I think he done alright for a street brawler and with some more professional training he could really come up to par.

    Give'em time and see.

    He could prove most of us wrong. I myself think he has the ability to be a really good fighter.

  5. i cant believe some idiot compared kimbo slice to bj penn, even concerning stamina he is not in bj penns league.

  6. I'm not ready to call him a joke, but he's little more than a spectacle at this point.

    He proved that his submissions are bad, his ground game is mediocre at best, his punching power isnt what we thought it was, and his cardio is nonexistent.

    His win came only by a very suspect stoppage, whereas any number of decently skilled fighters would have stopped Thompson earl in the second round (at the absolute latest)

  7. He's not a great MMA fighter. He's not even a good MMA fighter. But he's good at what he does, which is hitting people. It's like a baby learning to walk. Your first couple of steps are wobbly, and you fall sometimes. I wouldn't call him a joke. People watch him. All of you did.

  8. I know what you mean.  From what I saw yesterday, it seems that he can't do anything besides punching and tackling, and there's much more to MMA than that.  He ought to work on non-boxing skills, especially kicking.

  9. I am not going to say he is a joke, because he honestly does look like he has trained very hard. He's getting in a cage in front of a nation of people and fighting another big dude one on one. I will respect that.

    However, the way he is being handled and promoted is a joke. It is really not good for the sport, either. That card last night was a joke. Kimbo and his opponent both looked very sloppy. Pretty much none of their technique looked good, ever. The opponent was taking some of the worst shots I have ever seen in a professional MMA fight on Kimbo, and they were working, because Kimbo has no take down defense at all. You could take any NCAA All-American wrestler, 177 and up, give him four months of MMA specific tutoring from credible coaches, and he would take Kimbo down and pound him into a pile of broken face bones in a few minutes.

    Kimbo lost both rounds, clearly. He got blown out in the second round, but one of the judges had scored it 10-9 for Kimbo. That is very, very fishy. The stoppage was fishy, too, but it could be argued that it was stopped like that because a blown up cauliflower ear on television would be gruesome.  But it was a very convenient way to save Kimbo in a fight that he was going to lose. I read somewhere this morning that Kimbo might have had him out cold in "just 20 seconds more." Whatever. The guy clearly was not out when they stopped the fight, and he was taking Kimbo down easily enough that I am think it was more likely the guy would have taken Kimbo back down and laid on him some more with his uninspired ground and pound--the worst ground and pound I have ever seen in a televised main event. Just a terrible, terrible fight and event.


  11. thank you i thought i was the only 1 who isnt impressed by this nobody. hes awful. that fight should've been stopped in i beleive the 2nd and the ref didnt stop it. i was P'O ed but yea lets see him fight a well rounded guy. but in elite XC's HW you wont find it there

  12. That whole card was a joke with exception to the women. Somebody with 2 fights should not be headlining a card yet,.

    I'll tell you what will happen if he fights any top 10 MMA heavyweight, it will be like when Tyson fought Lewis. He'll get totally out classed. Kimbo slice is a tough guy, however he is not a mixed martial artist. You can not jump in to MMA in your 30's. These men have been doing this for years. That's a slap in the face to them, saying oh I banged out some bum in my boys back yard so I think I can do MMA now. I can not wait until they put him in the ring with a legit heavyweight MMA fighter so they can beat him and expose him or what he his...A fraud. Do you guys realize if that goof he fought tonight threw just one head kick or body kick he could have stopped Kimbo?? But he did not throw one, come to think of it, none of

    his opponents have..Kind of strange isn't it considering this supposed to be martial arts. He is a h**l of a puncher, but he is not a martial artist...

  13. h**l no hes great he still whooped his **** Like he said Hes still learning.

  14. Kimbo Slice is new to this sport and is still a rookie. You have to give him a chance to see what he can really do. He is being trained by Bas Rutten. He will definetely improve.

  15. Brock lesnar looked better in his debut then kimbo last night and Lesnar actually faced a real opponent.  Seems like if Kimbo dont knock out his opponent within the first round or first minute of the following rounds, he just gonna get tired, he has no endurance and against any half way decent grappler he is gonna submit.

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