
After loosing your virginity, do you have to pee alot?

by  |  earlier

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im like freaking out




  1. I had to pee like every 3 seconds when i lost my virginity but it eventually went away and now i can wait 5 seconds lol but now i can wait like i used to

  2. I have never heard of someone peeing a lot... I think you should go to the Dr and get checked out.

  3. It is possible that you have a Urinary Tract Infection...or an STD.  You need to see your Gyno either way.  It is important to urinate & clean before and after s* can get a urinary tract infection if you don't...and remember wipe front to back.  Hopefully that is all it is, but see your doc!

  4. No.  You should get checked for stds or UTI.

  5. Maybe, just maybe, you girls that are losing your virginity should be old enough to know all this before you make that life altering decision. It's not like baby teeth, it doesn't come back. But the UTI or STD you have will be there to remind you how young you are. Get good grades and finish high school. Make a 5 year plan. Is having a baby in that plan?? Think about respecting your body! Be good to yourself! Any dog in heat can have s*x with whoever will let them, but you should be in a long term monogamus realtionship, like marriage, I know, what a concept!?, before you take the step of having a sexual relationship with a man. Not a boy who will no doubt be high fiving all his friends for being a dog. Most boys are just walking hormones, yes, it's difficult to say "no" but you'll respect yourself more if you do. Take care of your one body. Make sure you are treated with respect and love. s*x is not love! Good luck!

  6. If you used a condom i'd assume you may have just gotten an infection..Yeast infectinon, bacterial vaginosis, you could have had an allergic reaction to the type of condom you used. If you didn't use protection i'd be more apt to think you may have contracted an STD..The only way to know for sure whats going on is to see your doctor and explain things to him/her.

  7. have to pee alot with some STD's though.

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