
After losing virginity

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I lost my virginity in late July, ever since i lost it i have been thinking I'm pregnant and thinking i have the symptoms. such as stomach aches, headaches, and feeling sick. My periods are somewhat abnormal and i get it on all different dates in each month and it usually lasts for about 5 days with a normal flow. My friend told me to do this thing where you count 28 days from the LAST day of your last period and that's the day you should get your next. It came out that i should have gotten it around the first of august, so i took a pregnancy test the 3rd. it came back negative. I then got my period on the 9th of august and it was causing me to have worse cramps then ive ever had and really bad lower back pain. the period lasted for only 3 days when they normally last 5 or 6. IS IT NORMAL TO HAVE A WEIRD PERIOD AFTER YOUR FIRS TIME? or could i be pregnant?




  1. If your periods are irregular, there is no 'count' that will tell you when to expect your next one.  And 28 days after the last day of your last period wouldn't be meaningful in ANY way.

    It's remotely possible (esp. if you didn't use birth control)  that you did get pregnant and had an early miscarriage, which could account for the heavy flow and painful cramps.  Or it could just be a different sort of period for you. It happens.

    But there's no way to know.  If you plan to keep having s*x, find a reliable birth control method that you are comfortable with, and try to stop stressing.  And if you can't stop stressing, stop having s*x.  It isn't worth it.  

  2. Not every woman is on a 28 day cycle...and it is normal to be irregular when you are younger. If you are still having your period and having negative pregnancy tests then it's really nothing to worry about, just those first time nerves. I think every girl automatically thinks she's pregnant after the first time she has s*x. Just make sure that you are always careful and use condoms and birth control.

  3. Yes its very normal..After I lost mine my periods were late and werent always on the same day either..This also happend to my friend...So yea its normal.

  4. if you got your period, i doubt you are pregnant. it is very normal for s*x, ie loosing your virginity, to mess up your period. sounds like you arent ready to be sexually active if you are this worried about pregnancy...

  5. First, your friend was wrong.  You actually count from the first day of your last period, 28 days later is your next period, but only if you have a 28 day cycle.  If the pregnancy test came back negative, you can try to test again to make sure, but I doubt that you are pregnant.  Also, It sounds like you should wait a while before having s*x again, because you are not ready.  If you do, use protection so you don't have to worry like this.

  6. Learn about SAFE s*x !

    There is no reason to put yourself into a situation like this.You deserve better.

    You seem to need a whole book about the female reproductive system.

  7. okay first counting the 28 days only works if you have it normally which most girl don't but yes after you lose your virginity you will have an abnormal period it always happens with every girl i thought the same thing cuz i was 2 WEEKS OFF and it turned out to be nothing. but it just depends when you are ovulating. cuz you ovulate only 1 day outta the whole month. so you need to find out how many days from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. also you usually ovulate 14-16 days after the FIRST day of your period so if it was 4-5 days after your period stopped then chances are you're not pregnant also your body is sore because it was not used to that so your body is trying to adjust. wait until next month and if you still think you're pregnant take another test but chances are you are NOT. hope i could help. lemme know what happens.
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