
After losing your license are you do u do a refresher course or do u have 2 retake all your driving lessons?

by  |  earlier

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i am facing losing my license through no falult of my own

and just need to no do i need to take loads of lessons on the build up to resitting my test or can i just do a refresher course




  1. I've served 16 months of an 18 month ban, just applied for my licence to be reinstated, and according to the DVLA  I do not have to re-take any test.

    (I'm pretty sure an extended driving test has to be taken if banned for dangerous driving though)

    So unless you've been ordered by the court to re-sit the test, you don't have to, It all depends on what the ban was for, and the judge/magistrate's view of the seriousness of the offence.

  2. you dont need to take any lessons,just retake the test itself...

    and thats only if your banned within 1-2 years of passing your test.....

    if youve had your licence for a while,and were just banned for toting up you wont have to resit any tests just re aply for your licence back..

  3. Not unless the court orders you to retake your test.

    Except if you're within 2 years of passing your test, when 6 points revokes your licence and you have to go right back to provisional status, L plates, accompanying driver, the lot, until you pass your tests again.

  4. You just do your Driving test over again. Believe me , ive been there done that & bought the t/shirt.

  5. I think you have to take around 10 professional lessons then re-take your theory and practical.  You maybe able to find out on the DVLA website. Or by giving them a call.

  6. You don't need to take any more driving lessons at all, however a few refresher lessons will help a lot, if only to try & get you out of driving habits that testers don't like. You will have to take both your practical & theory tests again so I'd brush up on them too. You can't do any of those until you are allowed to have a license again though.

  7. If you lose it for 12mths you must resit a test, if less than 12 you just get your licence back. This is for uk.

  8. If you lose your licence in the UK you must resit your theory and practical test .

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