
After my marriege next week my wedding first night will be there i am having little bit fear give me sugestion

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i m having little bit fear about my wedding first night my marriege was love *** arrange but still i m little bit conservative please give me some sugestion how to face that night please

please dont give any abusive answer please




  1. Don't go into it thinking that it has to happen immediately or at all, really, that first night.  Many couples are exhausted that first night and end up falling asleep.  Try just relaxing together and opening up by getting to know each other.  Hopefully it will go smoothly from there.

  2. Try and relax and set the 'mood'. Maybe drink some wine and talk to each other. Choose romantic music.........Watch a romantic movie together.....Good luck.

  3. dont worry friend all will be ok

  4. If your new spouse knows you are new to this, he should be considerate and gentle with you. Most guys know this. If yours doesn't, it's perfectly okay to ask for what you need or want.

    An alcoholic beverage or two, or even three, might help take the edge off and lower your inhibitions. Probably wouldn't hurt.

    Above all, relax! People have been doing this since the beginning of time, and it usually works out okay. There is nothing to fear. If you are a virgin, there will be a little pain right at first, but nothing you can't handle. It gets much better after that. You'll be fine.

  5. Most cave people adjust after 2 weeks  dont worry sit tight

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