
After ovulation and insemination how long until implantation???

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how long does it take for sperm to get into the egg and then if this happens how long then until egg implants into the womb?

Thank you




  1. Ditto what Bella said :)

  2. If the egg is there waiting, the sperm will make contact immediately and implantation usually occurs from 7 to 12 days after that.

  3. I presume it is about 4 weeks, as this is when you would get a positive pregnancy test, i can't really be sure though, i suppose it also depends on the person.

  4. the sperm will almost immediately penetrate an egg if they meet up, they will fertilise and travel down fallopian tube and it grows while doing this. implantation can take usually 6-12 days, but this is a ballpark figure, it can take place a tad bit earlier or a little later. when it attaches to the uterine wall this is implantation, your body will start producing hcg from the moment implantation starts.

    goodluck to you  

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