
After passing a ban on singles adopting, will Arkansas Christians demand single's kids be taken by the state?

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LITTLE ROCK (AP) -- A proposal to ban unmarried couples from fostering or adopting children will appear on this fall's ballot, backers of the measure say.




  1. Are you considered single if you marry your sister?

    How will they deal with that issue?

    And I think only people willing to foster children in need should be allowed to vote on that.

  2. It has not been passed yet.  Thought you might want to know.

  3. well i think its better if your married so you don't break up and the kids are left either with the dad or the mom, but singles should be able to adopt

  4. This proposal makes me ashamed to be an Arkansan.

    For those who are not in Arkansas, individuals involved have been openly admitting that the real reason for this is to keep homosexual couples from adopting or fostering, and since they don't have the brass to admit it publicly for fear of anti-prejudice backlash, they're doing it as a family issue.

  5. This is why it's dangerous to let religions pour over into the realm of government.  

  6. I have finally reached the conclusion that the only thing wrong with this world is Christianity. I've tried to be tolerant, but this is just too preposterous for me to continue keeping that stance.

    I suppose they think it's better for children to remain in an orphanage rather than wrapped in the arms of a loving family, or that singles aren't capable of raising a family. Same with the pro-lifers. They rally to stop abortions, but how many of them ever think to adopt? Not too many.

  7. I live in Arkansas, and I plan on voting against that. The main purpose of this ban is to keep homosexuals from adopting, which is just ignorant.

  8. that's disgusting, singles are just as good parents as couples are...

  9. And why is it no surprise that this c**p emanates from Arkansas.

  10. it's an ignorant idea. If singles can't raise children, half the kids in this country would be taken out of the home. How do people think up this garbage?

  11. You see, this is why atheists are so worried about religion and the government coming together... stupid things like this keep happening

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