
After playing call of duty all day for weeks now I find it hard 2 sleep at night as even the smallest of...?

by  |  earlier

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noises would make me jump and i still think im playing the game even when going 2 sleep.




  1. get this man another game, and fast!

  2. try playing gta4 instead that might help ?

  3. It's not good to play playstation all day. Give your eyes and body a rest once in a while. If you don't you'll get a seizure.

    An hour is enough, then take at least an hour break. Then go back and play for another hour, then take another hour break.

  4. Lol, that was dangerous... That was one of my experience.... I played as I can but in the end it made me so thin and like your problem...

    Try to resolve that as soon as possible... it may kill you... Hahahaha

  5. this effect will last for few days.... stop playing the games for few days .. and the after play for 1 0r 2 hrs..

  6. what it is your brain is still active in all you have is video games on your mind all the time telling your self i need just 1 more level to beat the boss are even 1 more lap to win the gold metal this happens to every body that plays video games all day long your body gets tired but your brain is wide awake we had to make are son stop playing his video games after 6 to 8 hours straight playing it in when it got time to go to sleep he would just roll back in fourth in his bed in so we gave him 2 sleeping pills in they put him a sleep now he don't want the ps3 any more so i have to return it this morning with 5 unopened games back for a full refund cause it was making him a zombie all the time :)ava06

  7. I had it with Tetris and when first Half-Life came out! Same s**t... Stop playing (for a while, not forever), go outside, chill, have a party! That'll mellow you out of this.  

  8. stop thinking that helpes me go to sleep

  9. STOP PLAYING for at least 2-3 days,and make sure your age fits the ESRB rating for the game

  10. A South Korean man died after a marathon session playing computer games. The unemployed man was discovered in the toilets of an Internet café in Kwangju, 160 miles south-west of Seoul. According to Ananova, he collapsed and died after playing computer games for 86 hours.

    Good Luck...Lol

    Only joking , its just your brain still thinking your playing the game, just leave the game be for abit, i know its addictive, but try.

    haha nice one ralph : )

  11. you must stop playing for about a week, then ease into a racing game of some sort and then you can play shooters again

    you have turned your mind into the mind of soap

  12. Stop playing for a while.

    Go outside and play some sports, do some exercise, go have fun with your friends go to the mall, or do something active with them, just try to forget about the game.

  13. keep minimum 3 hours space between game playing and sleep

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