
After pledging to help Georgia, is Dubya abandoning them like his daddy did to the s**+'a in Iraq?

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after the first gulf war?




  1. Your question cannot be answered sincerely since it does not have an answer.           You do not supp lie any evidence of your implication.           Great guy Dubya.

  2. And your one of the same people who complain we went into Iraq.

    Regardless of what Bush does or does not do you will not be happy......  

    And to think you will have another 8 years of McCain, to complain, whimper, and cry

    Why don't you grow up.....   The United Nations directed ALL forces out of Iraq during the gulf war....  I remember so well because I was there.... It was not Bush Seniors idea....

    So what should he not have listened to the UN?  Because I am pretty sure you would be complaining if he had not.

    At least try to be a little honest...  I know sometimes it is so hard when you have so much "hate" in your heart.

  3. You are totally right on your assumption. I would recommend you also take another look at a similar incident some 30 years ago (between Russia and Georgia who at that time was also promised US help)

    However it is only politics... Diplomacy is and will always be a game of shadows, small print and tricks... I am sorry to say but the Geargians should have known better.

    On the other hand there were US military personal overseeing as "instructors" and to my knowledge, there is a certain deployment of US personel from Iraq to the Georgian capital to help in cases of evacuation of politicians and of other enemies of Russia.

    I may not like him but give him some credit... It all goes with the job

  4. Yeh, Putin made a lotta of threatening announcements about the U.S. regarding Iran, Iraq, and you name it. That is what they are hired to do. Meanwhile, they hang out together and joke at the Olympics. Just his job, man.

    He is shocked about all the gambling going on, like the police chief in "Casa Blanca."

  5. It's only been 4 days.

  6. Good point, it seems to be a family trait.

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