
After reading this and other articles, how is man caused global warming settled science?

by Guest10968  |  earlier

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Coldest snap in Alaska in 8 years.

This is just one of many examples.




  1. Wow! All by yourself,  you have discredited all the climate scientists in the world!

    Actually,the wild swings in temp. that the article spoke of is a symptom of AGW.  The extremes of climate have been getting more severe,and unpredictable. Alaska is experiencing the effects of rapid climate change right now!  In the far north,the Arctic Ocean is warmer than in the past,and whole villages have to move because the ocean is eroding the shoreline at unheard of rates! There used to be an ice sheet that protected the shoreline. Now it's gone! The storms are more powerful,and the waves crash into the soft,melted permafrost mud. Those villages have stood for centuries,but now are threatened by AGW !

  2. Oh wow, coldest snap in EIGHT whole years.

    Global warming is long-term trends.  Hundreds of years.  Your article says nothing about global warming.

  3. this article has noting to do with global warming.

    the average of the worlds temps is going up and just because the average is going up it dose not mean that everywhere needs to be warmer.

    the science of global warming is pretty much settled because there have been no other theory's put forward explaining the current warming.

  4. The notion that the science is settled is nothing but pure propaganda.  It is an attempt to form public opinion.  If everybody agrees, you should agree also, and there is no need to question the science.

  5. This means you are confusing climate with weather. No offence, but this means you are about as knowledgeable as a chimp when it comes to climate science. So you're qualified to be a global warming denier, but avoid any actual science debates because you will just embarrass yourself.

  6. You just don,t get it do you. Global warming is real because Al Gore said so, and he will be so upset if people like you will not believe him. You inconsiderate b******.

  7. Six months ago we were told that we may never be able to ski anymore because it would be too warm to snow.  

    We need to accept global warming for what it is, - a cult.

  8. Cold snaps in one place mean nothing. There are other places right now with heat waves. You have to average all the places in the world for a year. And then do statistics on the year by year trends. If the trend is up over 100 years, then even if there are 5 or 10 or even 20 years of lower temperatures, then there is STILL global warming. It is the long term world wide average going up that IS global warming. You cannot feel it in your home town. You cannot read in in the daily weather report. It is subtle and not easily noticed. That is why I am not worried. Any problem that is so hard to even notice is just not a big problem in my mind. If I have to be TOLD the weather is messed up then it can't be all that messed up. Al Gore says this. He says it will come upon us unnoticed. He tries to make people think that one day in the future everyone will easily notice, but that is never going to happen. It will always be small and hard to notice and you will have to consult experts to learn if it is still going on or not. Right now it is still going on. It has been for about 100 years. Did you notice? I didn't think so.

  9. How would one degree of warming that took place over the past 100 years affect weather fluctuations such as cold snaps (especially on a scale of the past 8 years)?

    Do you think that global warming somehow magically eliminates weather fluctuations?

  10. Wow, more Chicken Littles.

    Gee, I didn't know that our SUVs and factories could melt the polar ice caps...

    ...on MARS!

    Could it be...drumroll please...the SUN that's causing "global warming?"

  11. First I want to say that I do believe in being good stewards of the environment. But I also believe Al Gore and his pundits are so full of S**t it isn't even funny.

    What I find really odd is that now that many glaciers are receeding, human artifacts dated back thousands of years old are being discovered.

    My first question is this. If global cliamate change is "man made",how in the world did those artifacts get there thousands of years ago when there were no carbon emmisions?

    This has been happening alot over the past few years.

    Hence, why I truly believe that no matter what we do, nothing will stop this change. It is cylcical and natural. Period.

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