
After reading this article do you still believe it is a nice movie for kids?

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  1. Yes

  2. wouldn't know i did not see it  

  3. It is a kids movie for kids. It is funny that a rat can cook. I think you are looking too much into it.

  4. Yeah.

  5. I have to say that I am known for over-analyzing things but this is too much!  I thought the movie was cute.  It does not make me think any less of the French or the cooking and I highly doubt a child even dwells on the fact that he is making french cuisine.  To them, it's just a cute rate making his dream come true in a restaurant.

  6. I saw the movie with my oldest daughter (she's 6) and i hated it!

    I thought it was boring, long, too complicated for younger children, and i couldn't help  feeling a bit sick at seeing all those rats in a kitchen.

    I read the article, I wouln't go as far as that, but just thought that the movie is way overrated, just a dull, long movie, with way too much dialogue. By, the way, my daughter was terribly bored and couldn't wait for the movie to be over (barnyard and flushed away...exclent!)

  7. Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid are perfectly fine movies?!?...the author of the article has got to be kidding!!    Both of those movies have the main character (Ariel and Nemo) as rebellious, disobedient brats! That example seems way more important to me than a rat not being appreciative of a certain culture. Every time I have let my kids watch them, I reiterate to them what Ariel and Nemo did hat was wrong (disobey their parents) and we talk about what they should have done instead.

    My point is someone can find something wrong with every single movie available to kids.  We can all find things wrong and there are no 'perfectly fine' kids movies if you wanna pick them apart.

  8. What a shame we live in a day and age that someone has always got to find something negative. It is a kids movie, its make believe, pretending, big deal.  

  9. yes I do, the person who wrote that is a r****d who is putting a perfectly good concept out of context, and thinking too deeply about "malcontent", which is definitely not a factor in the movie and has nothing to do with insulting France, it is in fact a very inspirational movie about someone beating the odds and making it a world that would otherwise reject you.    

  10. i havent actually seen it.

  11. geez...i cant belive he looked that much into it...myself my partner and my 3 yr old fell asleep half way through the wasnt really a good movie but whoever wrote that blog has way too much time on there hands!!!

  12. Kids don't think of rats as being bad.  They leave this movie loving rats, so how can that be a smear on French people?  People are way too PC these days.

  13. Oh common...that person was obviously looking too far into a kids movie and as a result was way too analytical about it. It's a kids movie, and all kids care about is being entertained.

    You dont learn to be that analytical until college!

  14. Yes. If  the movie entertains you kids and there happy dont complain..Myt son loves the movie

  15. I believe that is the reason Adults shouldn't see children's films! Its a child's movies its face value and only that and the children found it hilarious.

  16. I saw the movie and did not think it was appropriate for my kids  :)

  17. I can't believe  some people, it's a kids ANIMATED movie!!!!!!

    Why read so much into the content enjoy it for what it is, a welcome relief from gun totting, drug using p**n that we are subjected to in everything we watch nowaday.

    They got rid of Noddy and Big Ears because of their homosexuality,

    what's next Dora the Explorer because of the exploitation of mexican nationals?

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