
After school/weekend job at 15?

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I'm heading off to school soon, which is from 8am to 3:30pm Monday - Friday, and band practice every Thursday for an hour/hour and half after school. The thing is, I get really bored sitting at home, and I want to do something productive. I mean, I spend as much time with my friends and boyfriend as the rents allow, but I still get extremely bored.

With all this in mind, do any of you know what jobs I could do? Babysitting is out, mowing lawns is out, etcetera. I want a job outside of my home. I live in a little town in Louisiana. How about McDonald's, Burger King, Popeye's, Sonic; can I work there at 15? (Those are the only fast food places available near me.) Any other suggestions? Be specific please.




  1. Well, you could get a job at a supermarket or fast food store, its not buckingham palace but it does get you a fair bit of money.

    Do as much as you can now before it gets difficult in grade 11/12

  2. It's hard to find a job at 15. Most companies only hire 16 year olds and some places don't even hire them because they think that they are too immature.

    I suggest finding a hobby like bike riding or painting until you're 16. There's no point in you having to work if you don't need the money, it's not really that fun. /:

  3. I have been working at a McDonald's since I was 15. I am 18 now I did it because I was also very bored at home as well. Now in Ohio you can only work on weekends so not sure if that applys to you down there but they do hire that young.

    have fun.

  4. fast food places are the only places that might hire at 15. it all depends on the location. i know mine does, but they are very strict with how many they hire and stuff like that. you will need to call or e-mail them and ask.

  5. you could become a bus person... cleaning up tables at the local diner

  6. maybe the nearest mall has some places, depending on the legal working age, you can go to the stores and ask for applications, or you can always go and see if the shops in your town are willing to hire. these days most teenagers are either baby sitters, store workers, lawn workers, tutors or possibly office help, so options are pretty limited.

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