
After seeing some of the questions/answers here in elections, do you think that some people just want to ....?

by  |  earlier

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see the world burn?




  1. I think its just the old saying"Ignorance is Bliss!"

  2. I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of self-absorbed, very unintelligent people in here though...and many of them are quite insecure. Insecure enough to email tirades of abuse purely because you express an opinion different to theirs. Or, block you because they can't even bear to hear another opinion.

    It's quite sad, really.

    Edit: The saying is 'Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be be wise.' Kinda casts a different complexion on things. That corrupted saying has been many people's backdoor to acceptable stupidity for a loooong time.

  3. yes i am thinking that

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