
After seeing this, can you understand why relying on any crime statistics of female DV....?

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After seeing this video, can you understand why relying on any crime statistics of female domestic violence will give you zero to none reliability.

And why feminist biased statistics will give you even worse reliability.

Watch the police officer

Also notice how all females say he must have deserved it or he must have cheated on her or that it didnt seem that big a thing.

Does it make it ok for a guy to start laying into a cheating wife, as these women put it (reversed).




  1. Obviously you have a point that is 100% understandable. What's even more obvious is that many of the women here will make every attempt to discount that point.

  2. No excuse for abuse and it goes for us all.  If I get angry or my husband gets angry we just give a time out.  We are happier after.  It works because we get stressed and we give that time out.  If she is cheating you have the right to divorce and just don't get yourself in jail over that.  Not worth it.

  3. yup just goes to show you that women are not all the little angels they would like us to thank they are!

  4. After seeing this, can you understand why relying on any crime statistics of female DV....? NO

    Did you happen to notice that in the first scene the woman did not strike back but in the second one the guy did grab her and push as well.   Didn't the second one start with him in her face?   Added: and she did not prevent him from leaving, like the first.  I simply wondered why the guy didn't leave.   I would have.  


    Nope management.   Specialist in TPM and healthcare.  

    Nowhere did I state it was acceptable- but if they were actually doing research about peoples reactions to the situation they should have been identical scenes.  His question was about relying on statistics wasn't it?

  5. If that were real, he would be free to press charges.

  6. Uh, it's not true that ALL th womn said he must have deserved it. The ONLY people to try to intervene WERE women. One of THEM said that no one should be beating on anyone else.

    It's going WAY too far to say NO crime statistics are reliable. Just because most of the people interviewed didn't get it, doesn't mean that none of the reported cases of DV happened.

    No one should abuse anyone.

    You seem to think that it's OK for men to abuse, and not women. You're wrong.

    Should society and especially the law take abuse by women more seriously? Yes. I've long said this.

    BTW, crime statistics include DV by women -- do you STILL want to say thy're NEVER reliable?

  7. Professor...I am appalled that you think that because a person fights back or defends themselves, that abuse is acceptable.

    Tracey, I believe that you are the one who more often than not resorts to verbal abuse.

    The assumptions of the by standers on the video pretty much amounts to "he had it coming".  We all know what would result if that statement was changed to "she had it coming".

    It is certainly not acceptable for ANYONE to suffer abuse.

    Notice that most thought that the woman would pose no convenient that these women  suddenly acknowledge that they are the weaker s*x  when it suits them.

    Its all just so disgusting........

  8. I have to say, the assumption that the guy just deserved it, was probably cheating, etc.  is extremely disturbing.  Even if the woman is not a physical threat, the emotional abuse is not right.

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