
After s*x when trying to concieve do my wife need to lay there for a while to let the sperm do what its gone ?

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do before some of it runs out what do you all think




  1. Yes because that is how i was able to conceive or if that do not work after awhile she should go and see a medical doctor for more advise

  2. yea...what are u trying to ask??

  3. Woman have tried several things short of standing on their head to help the little

    My g/f would put a pillow under her hips during s*x to help gravity alittle bit!  Another would put her legs up on the wall above the head board and sit there for several minutes...I dont know if it helps or not, but some really do think so!!

  4. If your a guy why is your avatar a girl??? Ne who yes it is recommended to lay there for 30 min after intercourse with hip elevated like with a pillow under her butt...good luck and baby dust!

  5. ya i would have her lay there for at least 20 mins

  6. it could help I guess. I have heard of women putting a pillow under their butt so no sperm can leak out... but I never tried it.

    I get pregnant from sharing the same soap as my husband. lol. kidding. My husband and I concieved three times with me on top, the sperm always made it to the egg without me having to lay back.  


  8. Hey...I think some ladies who are TTC feel comforted when they elevate their legs after s*x; the little swimmers do sometimes need all the help they can get. So yeah, go ahead and elevate the legs if you feel it helps. 30 mins tops. Any longer than that doesn't help any, apparently. All the best! :)  

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