
After shopping in the states, can I get the money spent on US taxes back? If so, how?

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I'm from Canada, and since I have to pay duty on all the stuff bought from the states when crossing the border, I want to at least try to get the money from the sales tax back. I've heard that you can do this, but I don't know how to go about it. Does anyone know how?




  1. No, sales tax is not the same as VAT and isn't refundable.

  2. You can't get a refund. The nerve. If I go to Canada and make a buck, they grab fifteen percent right off the top. When I get back to the U S, they charge local, state and federal taxes.  Where my refund? IN fact, why did I bother to go work in Canada?

  3. LOL. You used our streets and sidewalks. While you were here, you were protected by our police. Had their been an emergency, they would have been there for you. Good Luck with that.

  4. You  can't get a refund on sales tax in the US.  In Europe, they have a nationwide VAT tax and you can; in the US, sales tax is by each state.

    If you had asked the stores to ship the items directly to your home in Canada, you could have avoided the sales tax, but paid the same amount or more in shipping.    

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