
After swimming all the guys wanted to shower..i was nervous and i seen their junk.. i couldnt stop looking..?

by  |  earlier

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idk wht to think..everytime we take a shower i have a erection..idk wht to do,,and i see the other guys peiuses




  1. Based upon your grammar, either English is not your first language or you have no clue what you are talking about. Are you sure you're old enough to be on Y!A?  If you are honestly turned on by the sight of a naked man, you will have a horrific time after gym in jr. high school and high school when everyone has to shower.

  2. well it sounds like you're a homosexual mate.

    that's all i can tell you, I am straight so i wouldn't know, sorry.

  3. its sound like you might be g*y .....well just deal with it

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