
After that great patriotic speech from OBAMA does McCain look like yesterdays news to you?

by Guest11116  |  earlier

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100,000 strong in BLUE in the house!!!! OBAMA 2008





  2. Haha you're practically worshipping that ****** already.

  3. Obama might give a GREAT PATRIOTIC speech.

    McCain is a GREAT PATRIOT.

    You don't have to be a patriot to give a patriotic speech.

  4. Hahahaha

    I just think it funny that he's trying to play the patriot now, i couldnt stop from laughing ;)

    McCain 08

  5. America looks like yesterdays news upon observing the mindless two party drones here.  

    Let's light this candle folks...get it on.

  6. You have to remember that McCain gets the last say.  

    A speech is just a speech.  A man off the street could deliver the same speech that Obama did tonight.  He didn't write a word of it, he just delivered it, don't get confused.  He can talk the talk, but I honestly don't believe he can walk the walk.  He wouldn't last a second in the White House.

    The Democratic convention will be old news the second the Republican convention starts.

    Besides, I know that I'm not the only one that sees Obama Biden and thinks Osama Bin Laden.  Seriously.


    With this polls results it doesn't look like too many can trust Obama in the Whitehouse.

  8. McCain is Dead Meat!!  

  9. Anyone can read a speech that someone else has written - but can he lead? I'm thinking not. He doesn't have the experience, or the credentials.  

  10. McCain was yesterdays news the day he won the nomination.

    He was old news after his last attempt to run.

    The only reason they let him run this time is because they don't want to be responsible for cleaning up their own mess.

  11. I can't fathom how anyone believes McCain would be a good choice for this country and people. I don't understand how they can defend the last eight years and call it good. Here's to a brighter future for us and future generations.

    Obama/Biden 08

  12. Yes! That speech was incredible and inspiring. He clearly has what it takes to be commander and chief. I was moved deeply and have not one single doubt in my mind that he should be the President of this country!  

  13. It was a great speech, and I think as ordinary Americans think about the disaster over the last 8 years of Bush (the worst president in US history) and the fact that McCain is so out of touch,  most Americans will come to the realization that Obama is the only choice.

  14. 85,000 ...  don't add anymore loopy libs to the soup mix. There's already enough in there already.

    And no. All Obama did was read a speech written by someone else and placed in front of him on three teleprompters. Let's see what happens when McCain actually takes him up on his offer to debate him on the issues. (Obama has already declined to meet him in the ring on more than one occasion).

  15. Yes, he looks like a warmed over, senile Bush. And utterly boring and scary

  16. What great speech. It was good but not great. McCain will do know better and neither of them is the lesser of two evils. Peace

  17. Actually he'll be tomorrows news when he announces his VP

  18. nobody cares about him anymore, OBAMA BIDEN08

  19. Good evening, Dino. McCain looks like last century's news. We need new and fresh ideas.

    Obama 08!

  20. And tomorrow Obama will be yesterday's news, because McCain will announce his VP, Obama's "bounce will fade, and so it goes.....

  21. well it was a good speech, I'll admit that...but words are words and I expect a man to stand by his word...

    I have been to a few motivational seminars,I do have some liberal

    friends after all:-)...the funny thing to me is when a motivational speaker is giving a very motivational speech they are trying to sale something and they move people to buy it...I'm not so easily moved...honor, loyalty and faith are what moves me, I didn't see any of that in the speech...I did however see a lot of people that need to be motivate by words and that is sad...

    this is what moves me;

    a smile from a stranger

    a hug from a child

    a sunny day

    a rainy day (with out the rain there are no blooms)

    Truth & Love are my motives in life...

    Obama's motivation in life seems to be, to make people like him...

    I have to wonder how he feels when he is alone...

    always nosnod

  22. BEFORE that great patriotic speech from Obama McCain looked like yesterday's news to me.

  23. ONLY to teenyboppers and bums!

  24. This will all be old news in just a few days.

    It's like buying a self-help book about change.

    At first you're all excited, then you start reading and you realize that -  holy cow! - I actually have to work hard to accomplish all this change and the book is quickly forgotten about and gathers dust.

    How many people want change, but seldom sick with their diet.

  25. Obama finally put to rest that Democrats are not patriotic with that great paragraph towards the end of the speech.......and .then who in their wildest dreams would have ever thougth you'd hear a Country-Western story song as the very FIRST song after his speech.  Not Neil Daiamond, not the Boss, but a great CW song.

  26. Yes. Though it just sealed the deal.

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