
After the Chinese gymnastic team won the group final, there are numerous report that the girls lied their age?

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so what is your thought?




  1. Well no one knows.

    Its not the first time the USA had said this, they said it before the games did start.

    There was a story about a North Korea gymnast who was thought to be underage. She gave the game away then she smiled and she still had her baby teeth in.

    As the USA have said, it would be better to drop the age limit rule as every one has an even playing field.

    However after reading the news articles one it, there are 2 references this year, in Chinese newspapers saying that she was one of them was 13 years old and then was corrected at a later date, which adds more fuel to the fire.

  2. If the girls lied about their age, then that is cheating plain and simple. If you are younger you may do better in some competitions because of flexibility and stamina.

    I guess China wants it so bad they will ruin the lives of these girls as well as the girl who was supposed to be in the opening ceremony, and only her voice was used because she wasn't cute enough.

    Protest the Olympics for several immoral reasons!

  3. Blah blah blah...Look, the fact is, the U.S. took silver, ok? Would the US team liked to be blamed because they got beaten by a bunch of kids? I don't think so. Let it go, stop wining, work hard, and compete again next year.  

  4. I would think the age would be a easy thing to prove, but I would not put it past the chinese to try to cheat. Many other countries have tried to cheat, so why not the chinese. I do find it very sad if they do though. This is a time when cheaters are scorned upon and it is not tolerated at all. If they did cheat about her age, then the whole team should be stripped of their medal, just like they did to the American in the tour de france.

  5. American gymnastic team got their butt kicked by a bunch elementary girls from China? That's something to investigate. I want to know exactly how those American girls sucked so badly.  

  6. la la la

    White American cannot receive failure!

    la la la

    White American go to h**l because your criminals in Kosovo (Serbia), Afghanistan, Iraq!

  7. so what? that it's embarassing to lose to a bunch of kids? well that's just too bad. olypmics is really about ability and talent, not about nationality, age, race or gender.  

  8. I think if you are ready and VERY good then you can compete

  9. its called sour grapes, some countries and some people just cant stand to lose, its also called bad sportsmanship -it couldnt be just because they were better of course.

    If Americans hate the Chinese so much and are such rude guests why didnt they just stay home? No one held a gun to their heads and forced them to go to the Olympics,

    I have never seen a olympic that this kind of whining and sniveling and lying and complaining DIDNT go on - remember the "spiking incident"?  A clumsy runner fell and lay there and screamed her head off and accused another runner of spiking her ?  What country was she from again?

  10. My thought is this whole thing is silly.  Unless anyone has any "concrete" facts or proofs that they are cheating, then they should just let it go.  So far, the main complainer is the "sore loser" of U.S. team coach.  She lost and Her husband started to whine like a little "bi***".   End of story.

    Innocent until proven guilty.  There are plenty accusations that Armstrong doped.  But I say he is the GREATEST cyclist until you can prove that he doped.

  11. The need to investigate and take that gold away from them. The set the age limit and everyone should follow it. PERIOD!

    Yeah maybe next time we can get some fearless 10 and 11 year olds to compete. Then it would be a fair game.

  12. i know there shouldn't be an age limit.

    but come on, those girls looked like eleven! US girls are all above the age limit, im sure theyre are so amazingly talented girls in america, that are under 16 but they cant compete yet, and most of them end up quitting. if there is an age limit, i think it should be a little but younger, but not like ten! if the country has talented athletes, then they should be able to compete!!

  13. The Chinese gymnastic team members all have passports claiming they are over the age of 16. The International Olympic Committee has accepted these documents. There shouldn't be an issue now because they won gold. Truth is the Chinese team performed far better than any other team, including the American team, and they earned first place.

  14. The IOC shouldn't set an age limit - if the kid can compete - let them compete.

  15. There are several issues associated with this, one of them the question of sportsmanship. The FIG accepted the passports. To me, that's the referee making a call. If you play any sports, you know that's that. End of story.

    But what I want to say here is that I wonder maybe no one knows how old some of the girls are. I know some Asian people who themselves don't know how old they are and don't know their real birth date. This happens with orphans because kids don't remember being born. As adults, they have documents, but the birth date is only an estimate. One guy I know has birth date January 1 (like He Kexin) because that was a convenient date people at the orphanage picked for him.  

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