
After the LHC is launched, how long will it take to see or feel it's effects?

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What are the minor negative consequences, the larger negative consequences?

What will happen if best comes to best? Just a gain in knowledge?




  1. If LHC do indeed creat a blackhole, then the area around CERN will get gobble up.. and world will have the hugh hole in it..

  2. The lhc is not dangerous.What most people doesnt understand is that there is already particle accelerators up and running we have one right here in illinois.This one is just more powerful and has gained alot more attention due to the internet,24hour news,and the idiots who filed the lawsuit.The biggest thing we hope to gain is knowledge to find the missing particle the higgs boson.

  3. For you? Forever. For the scientists running it, they'll see the results very shortly after the experiments, but the raw data will take years to fully analyze.

  4. Just a gain in knowledge. Which is very appreciated.

    The negative consequences will be very limited - the total energy used by the LHC is lower than a medium sized steel mill. The energy density is high for human machinery, but very low compared to nature - the particle energies in the upper atmosphere are about 1,000 times higher. And still, you did not even have a black hole forming in the ISS yet. It is a very unrealistic idea.

  5. dont do drugs

  6. You won't.  The worst consequences will be that it doesn't work, and Europe will have wasted a lot of money.  Best consequences - string theory is confirmed and we can finally begin to understand the universe at the most basic levels.

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