
After the N. hollywood shootout why are cops still using 9mm pistols which cant even pierce body armor???

by  |  earlier

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  1. Because they're cheap..

  2. Because many police department restrict there officers from using more lethal rounds in performing there duties.  If the **** hit the fan the cops will bring out the heavy guns.

  3. Because those situations rarely happen, and you really don't want high-powered ordnance in the hands of average street cops.  It would be too dangerous to the community at large to have some cowboy cop hosing down the area with ammo that can penetrate just about anything standing, including homes and open businesses.

  4. Possibly because the average day requires nothing more.

    I would suspect that there are additional weapons available on short notice.

  5. your statement is wrong.--speak about the ammo --i use some that will not only go through armor but will exit the other side . on the side -

  6. They are cheap

    Used in Standard situations.

    Besides carrying a big ak47 on your waist wouldnt be fun at all.

    Sacramento County has 2 9mm, and a shot gun issied to every officer and deputy

    Deputy Explorer Gomez

    Sacramento County Sheriff, RCPD

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