
After the Six Flags, GA accident do you think differently of the park?

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So many people have mixed emotions about the parks now that the teenager was killed. What are your thoughts?




  1. no , it's not their fault that kid hopped te fence. he was stupid enough to do that. the park is still awesome and you shouldn't fault the park for his mistakes.

  2. I would still go to the park. I feel bad for the kid and his Family but at the same time I don't feel that he is stupid either. He was 17 and just wanted to retrieve his hat. Yes it was a stupid way to get it. Scaling two fences that were marked with signs was stupid. But in reality he just wasn't thinking straight. Maybe his hat was very special and didn't want to wait til the ride closed. i don't know what his thought process was but i just don't feel like he was stupid.

  3. As long as you follow obey the park rules no harm should happen. Just because one person died at the park does not mean that people should stop going. If it was the park's fault then that would be another story. But since the kid disobeyed the rules then people who enjoy the park should not stop going just because that kid did not obey the rules.

  4. No, because I don't feel that the park is to blame for that particular accident.

  5. i havent changed my mind about the park. it was the kid's fault he got killed, not the park's. he was the one who entered a danger zone that was clearly marked w/ signs. That can happen anywhere. it was the kid's stupidity that got him killed and i dont think the park should be blamed for it.

  6. obviously not. b/c way worse things have happend at six flags over the years that obviously people don't think about.  About 10 years ago the Six Flags by me had an indoor coster that collided with another train and caught fire killing a bunch of people. About 5 years ago a coster there got stuck upside down for about 4 hours and several kids had to go to the hospital, and last year a girl got her foot cut off on a ride.  basically, that kid was stupid, he went in a restricted area, that was his stupidity over a hat.  but it wont keep people from going back.

  7. i dont, these accidents are really oncein a century chances, and though i feel badly for their families, im not gonna stop going to a park because of that slim chance

  8. He    was   an    idiot,      he    shoudn't     have    gone   into   a     restricted     area    duh    Why   do    you   think   the   restricted    signs   are   there    for,     what   a   stupid    idea  for   him   to   do.    I'M     not    in    anyway   trying    to   make   fun    of    him   dieing,     I'M     just     saying    he    shouldn't     have    gone   in     the    restricted    area   of   the    park,     and      I     will   keep    going    to    Six   Flags  over    Georgia,      I'M     not    going     to     let    some   r****d      ruin     my    fun.

      Sorry     if    I    was    mean     of     what    I    put   down.

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  10. What happened? Is that the thing where the kid went in the restricted area to get his hat?

  11. y think diffrently it was his own d**n fault it was clearly stated no tresspassing and he jumped 2 fences like that fot a stupid hat

  12. I just think there should be more *active* security to stop people from doing this, but other than that its safe if you stay out of the clearly marked restricted areas without supervison. These kind of things only happen when people are in the wrong place.. kinda like someone walking onto the tarmac of an airport... its a dangerous place to be, but not nearl as much if you are *supposed* to be there and know your way around, which the teen at six flags did not.  It is a shame the boy was killed, but I guess he didn't value his life over a hat :-/

  13. my sister is there this weekend...

    what that kid did was stupid....

    he jumped a fence and went into a restricted area....

    it is horrible that he died, but it was his own fault, not the parks.

    there was signs posted, so he was aware that it was a dangerous situation....

    all for a hat!!!

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