
After the election, shouldn't we demand the new overwhelming democratic majority repeal the Bill of Right?

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And right a new one? Remove the rediculous items like free speech, freedom of religon, right to bear arms. Strengthen g*y rights(including marrige), immigrant rights, abortion rights, gender equality, and possibly an outright ban on all religon and belief in god. And also include a clause preventing the repeal of these new measures.




  1. Sarah is not only cute, she also has a highly refined sense of humor and a surprisingly fresh intellect.  I cannot believe how many people thought you were serious by their response to your "question".  I think that I am a fairly uptight, straight laced conservative with a sense of humor that is not nearly well developed enough at times, yet even I recognized your witty sarcasm for what it was.  Your scathing ridicule of dim whitted liberals worked all to well, and I noticed it even slipped by the obvious liberal responders.  All of what you stated and more will creep insidiously into our nations every day workings if the dems have their way.  God bless and help this nation through this mess.

  2. France seems like the place for you...Have a nice trip

  3. Here's the caveat, gorgeous lovely sweetheart doll, we assume we can regulate with "words" but what about the proposition that "words" are just primitive vehicles for expression, much less for rule?  (Have you ever been bombarded with words, from an unknown source, which do not "connect" with you?)

    Preciosa, we assume that words are adequate but, like clothes, they are merely technology (or were) - and technology which we took for granted....

    I've been in law practice, gorgeous, for some years now and I can assure that one fundamental problem in nearly every controversy is communication - written and oral..

    So to repeal TEXT with more TEXT will create a plethora of additional problems.

    Problems will continue ad infinitum in our society for a host of other reasons I cannot set forth here.

    Abortion is BOTH wrong and NOT wrong.

    Atheists are an extreme form of agnosticism, which itself is a _moderate_ contrary view of the idea of a "belief" in diety.

    You are still wonderfully beautiful and as intelligent as can be..


  4. Wow! Your the most hardcore liberal democrat I have ever heard!!

  5. are you drunk?

  6. No, it is timeless and has served our country well

  7. Liberal.

  8. no...nor has any of that been mentioned, other than g*y marriage, which is a state decision.

  9. you could move to another country instead. That's more likely and easier.

  10. If you aren't being sarcastic, you are the worst kind of freedom-hating scum, and you can please leave America right now.

  11. Ask a  pregnant mother if what she carries inside of her is a life?

    Those rights are the exact ones that allow you to ramble on, like this question...

    God Bless, and may you soon believe...

  12. LMAO anymore I can't tell if someone like this is serious.

  13. I am not voting for you, who said looks is everything...

  14. why would we remove free speech and free religion? there would be way more problems if we did that. And how could you possibly think of banning all religion? i mean i'm not into all of that. but why do you think it's right for the government to decide what we can and can not believe in. It's not right. the things you mention about g*y rights and abortion right and gender equality are good, but getting rid of free speech and religion is just plain stupid and idiotic.

  15. I don't have alot to say to you besides the fact that your wrong about life doesn't begin until birth. Those poor little babies are being killed everyday and it is very sad, he/she is alive in the birth canal eating, breathing, moving, etc. I had something to say about the rest of it until i saw the end. With respect you need to go to church.

  16. Wow I thought I was liberal. I agree with strengthening g*y rights because I am g*y. Also abortion rights, gender equality. I am also an atheist so I do harbor some content toward Christians because of the ridicule I have had to endure from them. But everyone has the right to religion no matter how ridiculous it is. I really think that removing free speech would be a really bad thing. I don't like guns and never will own one. But if someone needs one to feel safe then just don't let your children get a hold of them.

  17. LOL.....

    Better hurry.. The supreme court may get it done before that.

    And who says our Public Education system is flawed?

  18. Seriously, you didn't really think this through to well did you?  What your looking for is sometimes referred to as communism.  Removing free speech means people like yourself would not be allowed to voice their opinions about anything.  So the question your asking right now would not be allowed.  As far as immigrant rights, if they take the proper steps to join this country and take advantage of everything it offers then their rights wouldn't be questioned because they would have the same rights as anybody else.    What kind of abortion rights are you looking for?  The right to have an abortion is already present so are you looking to make it legal for say a 10 year old to waltz into a planned parenthood and do what they want with their body, no questions asked?  Gender equality is something that will come about when women hold themselves to a higher standard... and yes i understand that there are plenty of women out there who do but the ones who don't are really holding you back.  And an outright ban on all religion and belief in god, what exactly would that accomplish besides causing a second civil war?

    Are you wearing a hooters uniform in your picture? Because that may explain a lot...

  19. It is what they will do anyway.  Do you think we have a say?

  20. You,I and the rest of the thinking Americans know that if we elected Democrats they will try to rid our great country of our freedom of speech,guns, religion and force g*y marriage onto all of us.

  21. let me get this straight -

    You don't want the freedom to speak your pathetic mind?

    You value fudgepacking homosexuals higher than innocent babies?

    I hope you are joking.  Because you sound like a complete idiot and i don't even know hardcore communists who are as naive and hostile toward basic rights as you are.

  22. You forgot one: You also have the right to spell correctly!!!

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