
After the latest health warning from the BBC, Should bread, Biscuits Cakes and cereals carry a health warning?

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If we carry on eating these foods will we all get cancer?




  1. We are already getting cancer. Not sure where it comes from but there's plenty of people with cancer already and very close to home in many cases, at least for me.

  2. Darling, LIFE carries a health warning okay?

    Everything you do, everything someone else does that might affect you, waking up, going to sleep - it is all potentially harmful.

    Every morsel you put in your mouth - potentially fatal or harmful.

    Get over it.  This is real life.

    All this chuffing nonsense about elf and sayfty, all these things that should carry a warning - stupidity.  Its too late for all of us - we have all eaten suspect red meats, we have all eaten burgers made from chopped up bone and off cut, we have all eaten bread made from dust not wheat and we have all eaten sausages made from god knows what but it aint pork.

    We are all still here.  We will survive.  We have survived.

    Buy the T shirt.  Read the Book and go and watch the film.

    Just get on with your life and like any cave man before us - just be sensible about what you put in your mouth.

  3. There are two things I absolutely hate.Firstly the BBC and secondly all these idiots who keep telling us this or that should be on this packet.

    Very soon we will have to buy a book with each purchase of food we buy in order to find out if we can eat it or not.The BBC are very good at scaring the living daylights out of us.

    Lets do away with all this rubbish and let us all buy what we want and make our own minds up if we like it or want it.Stuff them.

    There should be a health warning on the BBC.

  4. I don't think that all of us will but certainly there will be a great number. It will be like smoking, Some get it and some don't.

  5. I don't think that cancer is the main worry here.  I think that the warning should refer to fat.  As in, if you eat a lot of these, you'll get fat!

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