
After the liberation of South Osseta will Chechnya be the next country liberated by humanitarian Russia?

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Now that Russia has liberated South Osseta from the 'evil' Georgian regime of the 'mad' Saakashvili...

I know of another small nation that is nearby named CHECHNYA that has suffered genocide and wants liberating from a much larger nation that is terrorising it.

I'm sure that a great humanitarian such as Putin who is great defender of the small and weak will make Russia's next 'peace keeping' mission Chechnya and punish that larger nation that occupies it????

I'm I right .. or perhaps it is true that Russia had no humanitarian agenda in South Osseta only a wish to terrorise Georgia?




  1. you're right. the american says "whack the dog", the chinese says "kill the chicken to teach the monkey". and the russian terrorize georgia and ask via mental telepathy "neigbors, who is next? " bully in the neigborhood. good luck neigbors. Be the monkey, chicken, dog? any other choice? the rest are social hypocrite

  2. hard to say but may i still make a suggestion since you asked.  may the next one be a "country" of kosovo.  i have heard that that country is run by people who committed crimes against humanity and who were even prosecuted in haague, though unsuccessfully.  i have also heard that the serbian minority is continued to be persecuted there.  seems like a good candidate from several points of view.  don't you think so?

  3. You are ill-informed.

    Chechnya has been tied to Russia economically.

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