
After they last eight years, why shouldn't I be angry with Republicans?

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Especially the current Bush supporters. Hello... Are you brain dead? Have you been in a coma the past eight years?




  1. This guy has.  

  2. Hey, the past 8 years have been pretty good to you... I mean, you stopped wetting the bed, you discovered the joys of World of Warcraft, you saw a picture of a naked woman, and your parents made more money than they did under Clinton.  

  3. After the c**p we have received from congress the last 2 years, should we support the democrats-after all, they have had control.

  4. Bush is not a Republican - he is a neo-conservative. have you been in a coma the past 8 years.

  5. Since you haven't supplied any details I can't tell you why.

  6. for starters we haven't had a terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11. that alone lets me sleep at night and it should you too.  

  7. Tell me what has happened in the last eight years that would make you angry that is a direct result of Republicans.

  8. huh? Repubs sold you to the new Libs. Whats the problem?

  9. Let me guess you are a liberal/obama follower.  That explains a lot.  Share your almighty wisdom with us and explain what has happened in the last 8 yrs.

  10. Well lets see, Unemployment was at an all time low of 4.5%, personal income up higher than ever, minimum wage increased to its highest mark, the manufacturing and service industry was at an all time high in decades, the stock market is Twice what it was under Clinton, first time home owners and buyers was the highest ever, the housing market sky rocketed (until the Individual over extended themsleves by taking sub-prime loans with no investment or equity postion) the working wage went UP, other than gas prices (which aren't controled by the white house) life is sad, to bad for you!

  11. I guess after something like that, you could either look at the person of blame, or the the people they associate themselves with. You could also look at the fact that Bush is not taken seriously and almost all recomendations he makes are over-thrown by a Democratic congress and even the Democrats in congress supported going to war in the first place.

  12. Notice how he does not answer nomad's question. That is because he has no answer...........oh wait....  didn't Bush told them to fly the planes into the WTC and did a rain dance to cause Katrina to hit New Orleans ?? Also it was Bush who used his mind control powers to cause the congress to vote to invade Iraq wasn't it? I wish I could do that.

  13. No matter what has happened in my life I think I have been truly blessed and I dont blame it on anyone. when life throws me a curve.... When one starts blaming others I think they need to take a look at themselves starting from within... We all have a path in life and its up to  us to choose the right one.... Dont blame others if your path came to a halt...!!! I am a PROUD REBUBLICAN , I am not a rich one  money wise  which so many of you seem to think we are.... But I am rich in other things...

    McCain/Palin "08"

    About the gas.... try living back in the 70's when they rationed gas and you didnt even know if you were going to get any... You had to make appts and wait in LONG linesin the hopes youd get some.. Yes prices are high but for now at least we can get it...

  14. 1.) Not everyone in the world has the same values/beliefs as you. Unless you open your eyes to that fact now, you're going to be a very disappointed person for the rest of your life.

    2.) President Bush has kept you safe, has he not? Have we had another country come in and take over? No. Has he re-instated the draft? No. Has he siezed your property in any way? No.

    3.) He's not the only president who's driven the country into debt-- they ALL have.

    4.) Has it occurred to you (and anyone else) that there are things that Pres. Bush, the Dept. of Defense, and the military know but can't tell everyone? You people act like state secrets should be told to everyone who watches the news. News reports what it's told. For all you know, he could have protected us from something terrible happening, but can't give the specifics.

    And I'm assuming you're a low income bracket, undevoted, unpatriotic little t**d who has nothing better to do but complain to people who can't change the situation over events that are larger than yourself and affect more people than yourself. You didn't get your way-- so what! That's life! We can't all be happy at once! I voted for Bush but I don't agree with everything he's done. I feel he would have been a better president than John Kerry though.

  15. What specifically has been done to you that you hate Republicans for?  Most of the problems people are facing right now are of their own making.  We live above our means, cause our own debt, buy houses we can't afford, cars that suck gas at alarming rates, and refuse to let the government drill for oil to end our dependence.  It time for personal responsibility not finger pointing.  In 2006 the Democrats took control of congress to solve all our problems, now it turns out we are worse off and their approval rating is worse then Bush (9%) and the lowest in United States history of any congress in session.  

    Clinton did nothing for me economically.  As a military member he gave us the lowest raises in history.

    Gas prices were higher under Carter and have you noticed they have dropped lately?

    The Patriot Act shouldn't scare you unless you're doing something wrong.  Otherwise, just live your life.

  16. I could care less if you are angry at me, as a Bush supporter. I am sure I know more about what has gone on for the past 8 years then you, on every issue I could debate you under the table. If all the information on the internet is not enough for you to educate yourself about where our economy really is, or job growth, or our deficit as compared to our GDP, have you followed who the commanders in Iraq have been, do you know who Abdul Qadr is? Be angry, that you choose to be ignorant.

  17. What are you angry about? You should be furious with the Democratically controlled Congress for the past two years who promised to reduce gasoline prices (they've only gone up and they are now blocking any efforts to reduce them). There is a reason why they have a 9% approval rating - lower than the President's.

  18. The democrats won office in 06...Where was George Bush before then?

    Republicans try to use this excuses to take blame off of them....Democrats if you read this you guys need to fight back and stop letting the republicans push these miss notions as facts. Once we get them republican bums out of office the congress and the president can finally work together.

    My democrat comrades tell the republican smear machine this.


  19. You absolutely SHOULD be angry

    for the idiotic Klingon's that are the Bush Bots here's your reminders dimwits

    Ahmed Chalibli,

    Yellow Cake Uranium,


    Secret Energy Policy meetings

    Violations of FISA court laws

    Greeted as liberators,

    The rebuilding will pay for itself,

    mission accomplished,

    No plan for the aftermath,

    the last throes of the insurgency,

    Terri Shiavo,


    Osama Not Captured

    illicitly diverted $700 million from Afghanistan to Iraq


    Harriet Myers,

    Heckuva job Brownie,

    Paul Bremmer,

    Scooter Libby,

    Alberto "I forgot everything I did but yes I'm competent to do my job" Gonzales,

    Jack Abramoff,

    Valerie Plame,

    Loss of Habeas Corpus

    Torture Policy

    g*y Prostitute/Reporter Jeff Gannon


    Abu Graib,

    Extrodainary renditions,

    Secret prisons

    Color coded warnings that magically disappeared after elections,

    duct tape,

    Walter Reed,

    Emails deleted

    Iranian Nuclear program lies

    Larry Craig and WIDE stances

    Trent Lott's bribe taking family

    Ted Stevens Bridges to nowhere and Alaskin corruption

    DESTROYED evidence CIA interrogation tapes

    Yep Todays Modern Republicans

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