
After this month, I think we'll just not worry......?

by Guest62050  |  earlier

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I finished my second round of clomid this month on the 9th. We have been trying to have another baby now for 2 years. I ovulated my first cycle of clomid but my Dr. said my numbers were good not great (whatever that but I didn't conceive. My periods have always been really regular and I've always gotten pregnant quick in the past, probably because we weren't Anyways last night I told him that if we don't get pregnant this month maybe we should just forget it. Its depressing but I'm still optimistic about this month! Good luck to all of you ladies TTC hopefully we'll all get our BFP this month! Any encouraging stories of success with or without clomid are really needed right now! Thanks!




  1. this actually happened to my best friend without clomid. they said due to her uterus etc she would never conceive, but she kept trying.  when she finally gave up on it, she got pregnant.  the problem im having is im on clomid and i cant get it outta my head to quit "trying"

    i dont know if u have been checking your cm, but i read that evening primrose oil can help and i read somewhere that clomid can make your cm hostile, evening primrose oil would help that.  you take it up to the time you ovulate.  and heres 2 recipes i saw on here somewhere too, i just dont take the vitex instead i take my clomid as told.

    *** Recipe #1 ***

    Take Whole Cycle:

    1 Prenatal Vitamin icon Daily

    1 Baby Aspirinicon Daily

    1 50 mg B6 Vitamin icon in the morning.

    1 B-50 Complex icon in the evening

    From Cycle Day 1 until Ovulation:

    Two Vitex, 500mg Capsulesicon in the morning

    Two Vitex, 500mg Capsulesicon in the evening

    From End of Period until Ovulation:

    Robitussin:icon:full strength as if you have a bad cough. Label Directions: adults and children 12 years and over, 2-4 teaspoonsfuls every 4 hours.

    Do not take more than 6 doses in any 24 hour period. Consult label for accuracy, warnings, and ingredients.

    Active ingredient: Guaifenesin ONLY, do NOT get any type with other active ingredients or letters such as Robitussin DM or Robitussin CF.

    *** Recipe #2 ***

    Take Whole cycle:

    1 Prenatal Vitaminicon Daily

    1 B6 100mg Vitaminicon 2-3 times a day. Start with twice a day and can take up to 300mg. Only take as much as YOUR body needs to produce good quality mucus.

    1 B-50 Complex, Timed Release Tableticon, once a day.

    1 Baby Aspirinicon, once a day.

    Cycle Day 5 until Period Shows or Confirmed Pregnant:

    1 Vitex 500mg Capsuleicon 2-3 times a day with meals or a glass of water. Suggest starting at twice a day and going up if needed.

    Around Ovulation

    Robitussinicon: Use label directions on your bottle if possible.

    Label Directions: adults and children 12 years and over, 2-4 teaspoons full every 4 hours.

    Do not take more than 6 doses in any 24 hour period. Consult label for accuracy, warnings and ingredients.

    Active ingredient: Guaifenesin ONLY, do NOT get any type with other active ingredients or letters such as Robitussin DM or Robitussin CF.

    CD1-5 Stop vitex and let body rest and use the herbs already taken.



    #1 and Recipe #2 have both resulted in happy healthy babies. Recipe

    #2 is a little more controversial than

    #1 in that it includes vitex until pregnant and it includes a higher dose of B6. Be informed regardless of which one you use.

    Vitex Information - Vitex has been used holistically for many years to balance the female hormones of estrogen and progesterone.

    It eases symptoms of PMS, menopause, perimenopause, and menstruation. It has been reported to aid fertility in women by increasing progesterone in particular.

    Many women suffering from LPD (luteal phase defect) may gain particular benefit. Members have reported reduction in breast tenderness and acne while on vitex.

    Vitex Dosage - Dosages are included in each recipe. If you have a different brand or potency, please refer to the label directions.

    Things to Avoid: Do not take vitex with clomid or any other fertility drug. They can counteract each other.

    When to Take Vitex -

    There are two schools of thought about taking vitex. One says to not take it during pregnancy so vitex is stopped at ovulation.

    The other theory says that vitex needs to build up in your system to really work and stopping at ovulation doesn't allow it to build up enough to work. So, vitex is stopped when there is a positive HPT.

    Our members have reported both methods as working and some of those beautiful children are the result of their mommies using one of these recipes.

    Be informed about your choice.

    Possible Side Effects: While many sources report no side effects with vitex we have heard a few things on our forums.

    Headaches - Some have reported headaches that disappeared when vitex was stopped.

    Cysts - Some have reported an increase in ovarian cysts. This makes sense as clomid also can potentially cause cysts.

  2. I can understand what you are experiencing. I went through 6 rounds of clomid 50-150 mg thinking I was going to conceived. I treated my body like a temple,making sure I was doing everything correctly.Taking meds,exercising and reducing stress. I went to check my progesterone levels,There were times my numbers were extremely high(The highest I read was 18). My husband and I had tried that entire week to only find out a month later,nothing happened. I was crushed and wanted to find out what I was doing wrong.

    Finally,I had a discussion with my gynecologist about my concerns and suggested to schedule a HSG.I agreed to it. Long story short,I went through the procedure to find out my tubes were blocked. They scheduled surgery to open both up. Unfortunately,My doctor was able to open up 1 tube. I was discouraged but 1 tube was better than none.

    Now,I am seeing a RE(Reproductive Endo) for my treatment. I am taking a shot and clomid at the same time. I am hoping this time will work for us or I am going to say I am done. I've been trying to do this for a long period of time and it's taking a toll on me emotionally and financially.

    I really hope a miracle can happen for you. Just remember if you feel you need to stop at times,by all means stop.You can always go back to starting again.

    Also,Don't let anyone tell you anything discouraging They don't know the pain you are going through having a little one.

    You also might want to read references online. I don't know if you have PCOS like I do,but there are some wonderful sites you can check out!

    Good luck to you!!

  3. Well Honey we have been trying just as long , i threw my hands up and said just forget it and you know what both times that i did that was the 2 times that we got pregnant although they both ended with out good results , you will hear this alot i know i did " you are trying to hard" its hard not to try, specially when you want some thing so bad i am all with you hon, But heres some famous baby dust i wish you the very best

  4. Oh girl, I know the feeling all to well.  But if you want positive vibes I was emotionally where you are in June/July.  Finally said forget it.  If it happens it happens but I wasn't going to "try" or look for signs of ovulation.  So what do you know, the following month I find out I'm pregnant.  I'm now about 7 wks along.  It WILL happen for you.  But I think you are right, just take a break.  Sometimes that's all we need.  Our brain gets to the point that that is all we think, baby baby. Go out on dates and enjoy one another try looking at your husband in more than just a baby maker.  Good luck!  I hope you get your bfp real soon!

  5. I'm with you, I thought I was for sure pregnant this month  but Af came Thursday...right on time:(. After talking to my doctor after 6 months of ttc she told me to put away the opk's and quit charting. She told me she does believe that the harder we woman try and obsess over it, the  harder it is to conceive, she thinks it makes our hormones crazy and messes up the whole process. She suggested that we relax, have a glass of fun with it and just baby dance every other night from the time my period ends until it shows up or we get the BFP. I am actually looking forward to trying this month, I am going to try to make it really fun instead of so's taking away from the romance part of being intimate.

  6. I was ttc #2 for 18 months with no success. I tried 2 rounds of clomid and lots of acupuncture and none of it worked. My hubby and I didn't want to do IVF or anything drastic...we were already blessed with one child and would be happy with that. Well, I happen to be a very holistic person myself and have plenty of ideas and resources in my mind, so I hit the internet and did some searching for holistic ways of getting pregnant naturally. I finally came across the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage. Perfect, that's right up my alley since I'm an LMT!! So I began doing the Self Care described in one of the magazine articles and low and behold, I conceived in one cycle!!! It made me such a believer that I decided to study this technique and be able to help others who need a little help conceiving just as I did. My first prego is due Feb.09! YAY! She had a history of severe PCOS, on the pill since 13yo until last year, trying for a year with no success, the moniter said she wasn't ovulating. I performed 3 treatments on her, got her to start ovulating, and she got pregnant in 2 cycles! Please check out the website, it really CAN help you where the doctors can't.

  7. I'm sorry, but there's nothing knew with me either. I took 3 rounds of clomid and nothing,didn'tt even ovulate and was charting. I'm going to the specialist at the end of the monthhopefullyy some good news. But I'm not going to stress over, gave that up a month ago. Well take care and hang in there, God will work it out for you, Just believe and he will make a way. Take care  

  8. i am not on clomid but in the same boat, we have been trying for what seems like forever and stressed about it everyone of those months, i am done being a freak about it.

    i am still going to chart, but i am not going to stress about it-just going to bd when we feel like it and hopefull i will have good new mid next month. i am going to the obgyn next month, not sure if i will be put on clomid-who knows.

    good luck to you, lots of baby dust to you,myself and all the other ladies out there ttc.

    god bless

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