
After tonsillectomy?

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i had a tonsillectomy about 6 days ago and im 15. is the back of my throat supposed to be white? also, it feels like theres something in my throat that wont go down. kindof like im swallowing the scabs. is it supposed to feel like this? and, how long until the hangy thing in the back of my throat is back to normal size?

please help !




  1. depending where you live the UK recommends solid food to keep the tonsil beds clean but the uSA recommends soft food.

    if you have been drinking or eating diary product this will coat your throat and its advise not to eat or drink them due to risk of infection.

    keep up with your antibiotic and the full recovery time can be between 10-20 days.

  2. yep its completely normal, its just a thing your body does to prevent infection. when i had mine out my doctor told me to expect a white scab thing to form. it was quite gross actually, but he said i should eat food like toast and crisps (even though everyone always tells you to eat ice cream) which can help scratch the scab away. it was gone in about a week or two.

    and your uvula (the hangy thing in the back of your throat) should be back to normal in about a week

  3. Okay don't panic all of this is normal. It will take you up to 3 weeks to feel better. Just eat lots of ice cream and jello. Stay away from solids or hard foods for 2 weeks or so.
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