
After two weeks my son's computer has stopped working properly?

by  |  earlier

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It starts up OK but when he clicks an icon nothing happens.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.




  1. maybe he watches pornography and yopur computer caught virus thereby being subject to slow downs

  2. What computer and operating system is it?  Do you have virus software on it?

    I am guessing this is not an Apple.  Those things never quit.

  3. Just take it back if it's brand new.  They should fix it or give you a new one.

  4. It sounds as if some files have been deleted by the user.  Does your son have Administrator's rights on this computer?  If so, does he understand computers and what happens when files are indiscriminately deleted?  If it is new, take it back to the place of purchase and ask the to repair it.  If not, the OS may have to be repaired, or reinstalled.  Wish I could've been more help.

  5. Boot up in 'safe mode with netwoking' (find out which key to press from the internet in the library or a friend's computer in correspondence with your son's Operating System (XP, Vista). Then go to this site (write it down)

    Download Spybot, run it as administrator, and do a scan. This should clean it for a day or two so you can sort out the problem. Or, if you're lucky, it'll fix the problem completely. Make sure to run it's update search berforehand, though, and run Immunization afterwards. Buy a good security system too, such as Norton 360 or McAfee Security Suite. Set the firewall to the highest setting you're comfortable with. Don't lockdown the firewall because that won't allow you internet access, and don't leave it on standard settings either, because that's not strong enough.

  6. are you double clicking?

    Sounds fishy-

    Call a tech rep- like me-


  7. Get a good antivirus program and check his internet history to see if he has been a naughty boy and been surfing s*****e pornography. It is no doubt a virus or some other form of malware.

    I suggest reformatting the hard drive and installing everything again, this time with an antivirus and adware removal tools etc.

    That's How for now, Amen.

  8. Have you tried double clicking the icon ?

  9. Take it back where you bought and ask them you are covered under the warranty, as for Apple never going wrong do not believe some body I work with has had their Apple machine in the repairers more than he has had it

  10. It could be something as simple as needing a short rest and a reboot, or it could be as bad as a faulty motherboard. More information is needed to figure this problem out.

    What kind of computer is it?

    What kind of operating system is it running?

    How long has this problem persisted?

    Is there any variation on the problem, or does it do the exact same thing every time?

    Have you tried to boot it up in safe mode?

    Has it been connected to the internet at any point in the last two weeks?

  11. You should interrupt the boot up process to specify a "safe mode" on start up. Then restore your system to that state it was in two weeks ago.

    See regarding how to do a safe mode start.

    and regarding the restore operation and how this should solve the problem.

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