
After two years of wearing makeup my mom says i cant do it any more?

by Guest64265  |  earlier

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what should i do




  1. She probably thinks you wear too much.

    Sit down with your mom, when you're calm and not angry, and start by saying you don't want to be one of those girls that hides things from your mother, and lies to get what she wants.  Tell her since you've worn make up for the past two years, it's going to be really hard for you to stop now, and ask her if you could wear light make up, just some blush and mascara...tell her you want to meet her half way, and be mature about it, no crying or whining...ask her to do your make up, and tell her you'll do it the same way.

  2. Obey her, but remember that eventually you'll be able to wear it again! =)

  3. whatever they say for good, but ask her y    

  4. was she in a mood when she said it!!!?

  5. not much you can do but obey her  

  6. She probably has a reason for not letting you wear it anymore. I'm 13 and I wear makeup (not a TON of makeup but eyeliner and sometimes blush) and my mom lets me. She actually shows me different ways to apply it and stuff like that. Your mom might think you're too young? I don't know. Just ask her why and maybe you can make a compromise like you'll only wear a certain amount.

    hope that helped :]

  7. Why? It's your choice, not hers....

  8. Not know your age, makes this harder to answer.  If she let you in the past, then maybe talk to her and find out if there is something she doesn't like about the make-up you have been wearing.  Maybe too much eyeliner, or too bold colors.  If you make some changes, she might let you again.  Talk to her about compromise.

  9. ask her why the sudden change of thought

  10. well tell your mom that you have bin wearing it for two years why should i stop or ask her if she has noticed that you have worn it for two years on then just say ive bin wearing it for two years why should i stop  

  11. get a good reason from her.

  12. that's odd, ask her why.  maybe she thinks that your wearing to much and it's attracting the wrong kind of attention.  if that's the case maybe you can compromise by wear less make up.

  13. Just keep wearing make up! Who cares what she says.  

  14. im 13 and i still can only wear natural make-up but its still looks better. mayb u can ask her.

  15. There may be an very good explanation behind it, or just none at all.

    The best thing to do is obey her (depending if your under the age of 18 and still live with her).

    Ask her why, but don't question her authority to the point where it's nerve racking! And, good luck :)

  16. it might be damaging your face. ask her why you cant and if she doesnt give an answer then o well sorry babe....

  17. There has to be a reason, hasn't she given you a reason?

  18. ask her why that completely weird o you cant wear makeup how weird but yea if her answer is sensible then obey her but if its stupid mone and mone for a week or 2 surely she cajhnge her mind  

  19. well that stupid..ask her why and then maybe cut back some on the makeup if it looks like it is to much.

  20. I agree with the first answer, you should ask

  21. maybe she's telling you because you haven't chosen the best my dad complains everyday that sometimes it's to dark when all I'm wearing is eyeliner & masscarra. lol there so wierd you should ask her why she suddenly changed her mind =]

  22. maybe shes afraid your growing up too quickly for her?

    maybe try natural looking makeup.

    stuff close to your skin tone.

  23. do u need it? have bad acne? then ask if u can keep foundation and concealer. u prob dont need it, though, and it's better in the long run to not wear any because otherwise u start feeling unconfident and insecure as tho u need it to be pretty, which is not the case for anyone.

  24. ask her why, tell her it's not fair, then do it secretly if she still says no.

  25. ask her to explain why to you,

  26. talk 2 her about it, mayb she feels that u r wearing to much, or she doesnt like how u wear it, but definatly dont do it bhind her bak. just talk it over and come up with a comprimise.

  27. just ask her why. maybe she thinks you're too young to wear makeup because certain products can damage your skin.

  28. ur moms retarded like many others

  29. Listen to your mother, or else.  

  30. Unless she's said something different, she probably thinks that you've been wearing too much make up and she thinks it would be easier to just say "no more make up" than to actually draw a line between what you can and can't wear and how much of everything you can use. Cut back on how much you wear and then see what she says.

    If she still says no, I don't really know what to tell you. Maybe wear so little that she can't tell? Or just wait until you're older.

  31. Did she tell you why? Sometimes makeup isnt very healthy for your face. But ask her why.  

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