
After unknowingly using a 100 w bulb in a 60 w lamp, the lamp does not work anymore. what should I replace?

by  |  earlier

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  1. After you check the electrical outlet, to make sure that's working, it is 99% likely that some part of the switch has blown.  There's nothing else to really go wrong.

    A bulb base and switch is really cheap at any hardware store, but if you have never worked on lamps before, getting a friend with some experience will be a boon.

  2. if the bulb works,but not in your lamp,unplug it and pull or bend  the small metal piece in side the socket up just a little so as to make sure its contacting the bulb when on.don't worry about over doing it ,as long as the bulb screws in ,it will push it back down.

  3. The problem you have is that the 100w bulb creates much more heat than a 60w.  Your fixture is only rated for a 60w bulb, don't fret though.  It's a common mistake.  I guess I'm wondering how long it was in and working?

    Good chance that the socket in the fixture is damaged.  As the first person said possibly even your switch.  Does that 100w bulb still work??  You should check that first.  Second, unplug the lamp.  The whole socket assembly is attached and needs to be removed.  Normally you can just unscrew it.  You'll need some slack in your cord to pull it out so look at the base of your lamp and feed some slack into the base.  You can even take apart the whole socket and switch assembly too.  Look for evidence of too much heat, or even a loose connection.  You may have to cut off a little bit of your lamp cord wire to you can strip and reattach it for a better connection.  Lamps are really easy to fix and pretty inexpensive too.  You can always take your switch/socket assembly to a home improvement place and see what they think.

    hope I helped

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