
After us northern folk have been told?

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to move south, How many of you southern chaps/chapettes would move north?

Your thoughts please.




  1. I am a Londoner by birth and now live in the South West. I have also lived in Lancashire, Norfolk, , Northumbria and in the Midlands near Birmingham. North,( South East and West. )I loved living in these places and I loved the people in them. A lot of rubbish is talked about "the differences" between North and South, people are people, places are places. What is all the arguing about!

  2. I like the South West but I do love the North especially Birmingham yet isn't that classed as the central part of England, aka the Midlands lol.

  3. I'm a Brummy. I would move to Yorkshire, it's a great place.

  4. As I answered to the other question, I plan on it in 2 years. In fact, I was hoping to go your way actually. I'd love to go to Durham Uni, and once I'm there I'm sure as h**l not coming back for longer than necessary!!

  5. Well I'm kind of in the middle in Shropshire as I said earlier but given the choice I go north. My brother lives in North Yorkshire which is beautiful and I love a geordie accent too.  My mother in law who lives in Hetfordshire insists on introducing me as her daughter in law from the north which really Ps me off simply because of her southern attitude to anything north of Watford Gap being north.

  6. I'm happy to live up north. but i like our country anyway. It doesn't take too long to get from one side to the other.  

  7. I live down South, (Cornwall) but originated from the Midlands. I love to hear different accents, apart from the London accent I have learned to hate. They take control of everyone, and push folk around.

    I have had 3 lots of London neighbours now, and oh, how I wish someone from Birmingham, Manchester, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Newcastle, or ANYWHERE but London would move in next door, as I'm gettiing a bit sick of being pushed around. The only word that I seem to hear from them is MONEY,  and even then it comes out as "Manney"and yet they reckon they speak properly?

  8. Yes I would. I have been to Liverpool many times and I love it there, I would happily live there. But if I was going to move anywhere it would be out of the country altogether I think.

  9. I would move up to liverpool in a heart beat if i could. I'm an everton fan so would love to be near goodison park also everytime i have been up to liverpool the people have been so friendly.

  10. Naa, to wet up there.

  11. not to many.

  12. However much I dislike where I live sometimes I wouldn't move

    I don't think anywhere else would accept me!

    plus I doubt you northerners could understand me talking like Jodie Marsh

  13. Dear Folk up North - my advice, as a Londoner, pay no attention to so-called know-d**n-all scholars living in posh ivory towers at the paid out our taxes Universities of Oxo and Camberwickshire.

    Snoots have no idea about anything.

    As a born-again barbarian Londoner, I have to say that the glorious cities and towns of the North have a great deal to offer.  

    Liverpool - official Capital of North Wales and all beyond, is an up and coming city and the people there are ever upwardly mobile.

    Do the folk in such as Emmerdale [a fictional place] not then represent the true aspirations and successes of the people of the North?  I think they do.

    I'm not fooled and have known many good folk from the North all of my life and have always believed that it's the fault of the politicians who take stength from dividing us up and saying bad things about the North and suggesting that all of us here in London are a bunch of Tories.

    Okay, so we made a mistake and voted Boris for mayor of London.  Worry ye not, he's a harmless prat and has yet to come up against the wrath of the London Mob from which even the fuzz back off.

    Take heart.  The folk up north are the salt of the Earth.

    Just give em two fingers.

  14. I live in the South West.  I wouldn't move up North but only becuase everyone I know is down here.  I do have three friends who have moved up North - Newcastle and Manchester and they love it!

  15. I have roots in Lancashire and London although I don't want to move north I am very happy to visit and always enjoy it.

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