
After using proactiv consistantly does your skin become dependant on it!?

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some people say that once you use proactiv you have to continue it or your acne will come back worst!! is this true?




  1. yes it does and that the way most skin creams work these days thats why its better to use natural stuff because companies like practiv formulate their skin creams and whatever to make your skin dependant on it sure the pimples go away but u have to keep wasting your money on buying practiv until the day u die!! lmao0 jpp lolllz but really u do have to keep buying it if u  want ur face to be clear and if u stop then ull get pimples twice as worse as before try this it works better and from peersonal experience i can say your skin doesnt really depend on it

  2. Thats what i heard!

  3. After using *ANY* product for long periods your skin will either become dependent on it, or it will become used to it and it won't be effective. It's not just with skin, it happens with just about everything else people do with their bodies also.

  4. OMG i thought i was the only one! i told my husband that but he didnt believe, crazy

  5. Yes, it is very true.

    I have been using ProActive for two years and last summer I stopped using it. My skin became more oily and my break outs were worse so I started to use it again and my skin was fine. Recently I haven't been using it as much and now I'm breaking out.

  6. It's different for different people, but I've used it and stopped, and my skin was fine. Still had the occasional breakout every now and then, but besides that, it was normal like before. I've heard that's what's true, too, so I wonder if it is? It should vary from person to person, though

  7. It works just fine for me at start....then my face dries up.  

  8. I don't know exactly, but I've heard that alot from people.

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