
After using water to remove old wallpaper, how long should I wait to turn back on the curcuit breaker?

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I had to use large amounts of water to remove 1962 wallpaper from my basement walls. I turned off the correct outlets/light switches from the circuit breaker box in the garage. It's been 36 hours since I removed the wallpaper. How long should I wait to turn back on the outlets and such?





  1. You should've sand-blasted it with man-goo, then there'd only be that funky smell to worry about--nothing electrical. Just kidding.

  2. If there's no water in the outlets or around your electrical connections, don't know why there would be a problem.

  3. You will have to visually inspect the electrical outlets with a flashlight. Vacuuming out the outlets with a shop vac will speed up the drying process. A hair dryer works well also. If the outlets appear dry Turn the power on on a day when you know you will be around so that you can keep an eye on things just in case something happens. If you do wallpaper removal again. Try putting tape over the outlets. This will protect the electrical system in your home.

  4. You can Turn it on anytime as long as no outlets are saturated with water.

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