
After viewing the movie 'The number 23', I've had this obsession I can't get rid of, no its not the number 23.

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Whenever I look at a clock, or anything digital its always something: 27

Always the number 27.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has a number that they always see?

I know this isn't a very good explanation.

My dad also has a similar thing with 11:11




  1. My brother saw 9:11 for a long time, but all it is you are looking for that number, you have to think how many times a day you look around and it is not the number you have an obsession with, you just have to quit looking for it in everything you do.

  2. This happens with  a lot of people. I know that in Numerology certain numbers mean certain things. Google "Seeing the same number over and over". That's what I did. It has a lot of sites..that's why I'm not giving you just one link . Also, google "Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers". You'll find more on there. I think there's a name for this but I can't remember it. It might not mean anything...but it might mean something. That's why I'm not going to try to give you an answer.Just know that you're not the only one it  happens to. That should help.

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