I don't want a walker for my daughter. They don't help babies to walk. They don't strenghten the legs and hips. The American Academy of Pediatrics says not to use a walker. I trust a book that my Pediatrician gave me to be full of knowledge and correct. Now my MIL bought my daughter a walker. She's probably coming over this weekend to give it to her. I don't want her having it. It's dangerous and unnecessary. What can I do? My husband said, "Stop talking about it, it was free, who cares?" That's not the point, the point is that I don't want my daughter having it and I'm her parent. Someone needs to step up to this "know it all" mother in law of mine and tell her that the parents are the ones who have the say in the matter! What can I do when she brings it over? Some say return it, but then it'll make me look bad, plus my husband wants her to have it!