
After watching last nights 'Dispatches' on Muslims; Channel 4, UK. Could the King of Saudi Arabia be classed ?

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as a sort of 'Antichrist?' And are people looking in the wrong direction, that is to say not the West, but should they be looking to the East?

The program referred to Jews being monkeys and Christians being pigs. It showed that the Regent Park Mosque teaches hatred and says:

'It is necessary to avoid mixing with non-Muslims, too like them; too love them, too support them, or too live amongst them. And that Muslims who fall away from the faith, should be killed, along with non-believers and homosexuals. That means me and you are too be killed; if you are not a Muslim. The King Fahd Academy in London, carries books with the 'Stamp of the Saudi Ministry of Education,' which teach that all other religions are worthless.'





  1. The faith of these people in their religion must be *really* weak if they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

  2. Well, this is nothing new.We all know that extremists exist in in every society and religion. U will not find such teachings in the Noble Qur'an.This is simply bullshit coming out from the mouths of extremists. Have you heard of extremists in Christian society? KKK?

  3. wahabism is a twisted ideology that in fact contradicts the teachings of Islam. i'm a Muslim and i'm not a wahabi. i don't believe in what those people believe. i know it's sickening and shocking for any human being to hear this stuff. i was extremely sickened by it too but please understand that wahabism is not Islam. they twist things in Islam to support their extreme views. in reality Islam is not a religion of extremes it's a religion of moderation.  

  4. Yes, anyone who preaches against christ is a type of anti christ.  

    To understand the wahabis you need to understand a few things about islam-

    When it was started, just about as soon as muhammed died there were numerous sects that the church broke into.  These continued to form for about 1000 years after muhammed.  Each one centered around a specific teaching or ideal that wanted to be focused.  Some declare peace is the ultimate goal, some focus on who muhammed was, etc...  Each sect focused on the teachings of one or two key people and expanded those teachings through time to become almost different belief sects.

    The wahabis (the sect that the king belongs to) focuses specifically on attaining peace through war.  They basically want everyone to decide to be a muslim or not (and its not good enough to just be muslim, they all have to side with the wahabis interpretations) and if they choose not, then they are worthy of death.  Somehow they have determined that rejecting muhammeds teachings is like rejecting God and that makes them worthy of death.  

    They are one of the most extreme sects but also have huge numbers across many countries and arent afraid to use their power for whatever they feel god wants them to do.  

    Pretty crazy guys.

  5. You can't be ' sort of AntiChrist '  It's exactly what it suggests... Anti Christ. You either are for him or against him.

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