
After watching the social atmosphere at the olympics.This stil doesnt compare to a World Cup. Agree?

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Yes the Olympics has the most countries therefore more ppl from different countries but come on! Not even close to a World Cup! 32 countries and its not like 10 fans for each team like in the Olympics but thousand traveling fans for each Country that pack the streets of the host country.




  1. very true

  2. Agreed--TOTALLY! There's more of a unity ambient when it's all about footy. The streets swarm with fans and all matches get loads of attention. Definitely, nothing in sports history compares to a FIFA World Cup!

  3. Thats because they are all from China (this year) and not many fans are willing to travel for under 23 players.

  4. World Cup is much better, because there is one central stage and one final glory.

  5. Agreed

    World Cup to me still remains to be the number 1 sporting event in the world.

    Not to take away from the Olympics but Footy is a game that is the #1 sport in a majority of countries around the world.....people are more culturally tied to Footy, hence the greater support.

  6. Of course it doesn't. Most of the crowd are not even from their respective countries but are actually Chinese which isn't bad...

    But something that really bothered me was if you look closely in particular, i remember in the Australia vs Argentina game that most of the Argentinean "supporters" were actually Chinese people in Argentinean shirts and scarfs...

  7. I totally agree with you. The sheer enthusiasm and spirit that the WC brings with it cannot be mirrored with the Olympics. Maybe because everyone is kinda specialized into their own little thing, idk, but in the WC there is more of a united spirit and its big big big

  8. world cup is still better

    especially when they eliminate the USA

  9. World cup is much better.

    As you said the atmosphere is way better.  

    Also, the age restriction at the olympics is retarded.

    U23 with 3 exceptions per team

    The best players in the world aren't even present. (for example no Robben, Van Persie, Hunteelar, Sneijder, or Van der Vaart for the Netherlands)


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