
After we die.. what happens?

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I heard some lady say this a few weeks ago and it got me to thinking. If energy cannot be destroyed, and humans are energy, when we die we have to manifest our self into a spirit because we don't have a body to be in anymore. Do you think this is plausible? It sounds likely to me.. :|




  1. It is a good question, because no one can explain why our spirit has static electricity.  Many folks have told of goosebumps and hair on end.

  2. well, everything is made of atoms. therefore, everthing is made of energy. energy cannot be created or destroyed. the only contraversy is wheather or not our thoughts and our souls (not our brain itself) are made of energy. i have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for there not to be something after death. i dont know what. my reasoning is as a little different than most, but here goes... do you know that little voice in your head that is you? the one that re-reads your words, that makes sense of the world around you? the one that acts as your conscious, the one that is your thoughts, that does your thinking, that you dont have to explain anything to? well, i dont think that can just go away. and, honestly, have you ever imagined your thoughts as being specifically in your brain, like in your flesh itself? i know i have never considered it to be connected to anywhere but to my very self, like my soul i suppose... i cannot connect my thoughts and feelings to my flesh and tissue. i have always thought (i suppose would be the word) that anything i feel (emotionally) and think is just in a place with neverending amounts of space where it was peaceful and completely my own, with no intruders. as for our spirits, i dont think they are connected with our bodies for time other than when we are in bodies... i dont know where they go, but i think, maybe how we imagined our thoughts, like not in our bodies, but in an endless place with calm, maybe our souls go there... maybe it goes to a certain place, i dont know, and i dont like to include religion on this because i dont want to offend anyone. but, i may be right or wrong, but either way, that is what i think.

    i hope you have a wonderful day, and enjoyed my answer.


  3. Completely and utterly implausible, because we are not energy. We need energy to survive, but when we die the majority of the energy in our body will remain there, and some will be given off as heat. This is why we get energy from eating dead animals.

    There is no such thing as the human spirit or soul, at least not as far as energy is concerned.

  4. This is what I've always thought. The mind is energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so I think our minds just evaporate or the energy finds a new home and we are re-incarnated. : )

  5. Personally, I think anything is possible. You don't know whether or not what you believe in will be true or if all religion is made up. ANYTHING could happen. Imagine all the outcomes of death.

    Yeah since we are all energy it is possible. Then again someone could also argue the topic of whether or not science and energy are real things. Philosophy is an ongoing argument.

  6. well.... in a way..yes, although i believe this for religious reasons

  7. In my opinion, our life here on earth, my analogy is...

    We are liken to caterpillars who become beautiful butterflies.

    In our human form we are the caterpillars, walking on our feet and earth bound.

    In our spirit form we become the butterflies, airborne the universe is our divine spiritual right and home.

    We humans are, more or less, matter in motion propelled by energy. And, Yes, when our human body is spent, out spirit lives on as pure spirit, as the spirit is immortal/eternal.

    I further think that whatever degree of evolution it attained/reached here on earth is the level it will exist on in the spirit realm.

    "In my house there are many mansions".

    I think without the trials and tests that we all experience here on earth we would not ascend to the higher mansions.

    Finally, I firmly believe that God draws near to Him, as He chooses/whom He please, and like it or not, no matter how many time you fall, He will, in His own way, pick you up, dust you off..... and start all over again (just like Groundhog day..the movie) until you get it the message. (Like a mother with her child, teaching him to walk).  God does this with unconditional love and patience, He never tires and eventually when we get the message (the big picture) we feel so small and stupid and wonder at His unconditional love and compassion+

    It just blows one away++++

    Again, in my opinion.

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