
After winning only 3 out of the last 10 presidential elections....?

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...shouldn't libs be more realistic about their chances? Especially with the two losers they're fielding? Maybe I'll believe some of the BS they spew when I see them move out of the country when they lose like some of them promise.




  1. Problem is that they don't lie like Republicans.


    Republicans want to make whole world perfect except them self. Their thinking is similar to n***s.

  2. Liberals want to great a socialist utopia. They think that the world is perfect. Saddam Hussein should have just stayed in power that is what the libs say. No matter how evil Saddam was.

  3. Haven't you figured it out yet?  There is only one political philosophy on Capitol Hill, regardless of party affiliation:  transform our republic into a bankrupt socialist tyranny.  

    But for the illusion of choice to be maintained, there must be a winner and a loser.  Like a professional wrestling championship, everyone is an actor onstage.  There is the neo-con fascist winner, and there is the populist paid loser.  

    Even when the Democrats win the House and Senate majorities, they support the ever more imperial Bush presidency and the treasonous crimes against the People of America and the world for which it stands.  The holes were still warm in the chads of the 2006 elections as the Democrats began to spin their mandate of end the war and impeach the crooks into a mantra of universal health care and a higher minimum wage.

    The Democrats haven't won the Oval Office because they have accepted their role in this comedic tragedy.  They run uninspiring non-candidates designed to repel the terminally-misinformed middle American voter.  These candidates will fight a fair fight, but do it ineffectually, complaining about the illegal tactics of the Republicans but never actually showing any backbone about it.  And then they concede before the votes are even counted.

    Even Bill Clinton's presidency was handed to him by George HW Bush's insistence on bringing Ross Perot back into the election of 1992.  And it played perfectly, blunting the popular resentment of high oil prices, rampant inflation, and trickle-down economics with 8 years of soap opera melodrama, escalating military interventions, and false prosperity.  

  4. Both Obama and McCain are members of CFR

    and BOTH are rich insiders to the corrupt system.

    Now is the time 4 all good phrogs 2 come 2 the aid of the polluted pond!

  5. After watching them with Rick Warren it's clear who had to conceal their ideas.  It's absurd to say Republicans are the liars, especially after their last president lost his law license and was impeached for lying.  Yeah, right, it wasn't about s*x, it was about sexual harrassment, and lying under oath in court.

    I hope Biden campaigns hard, Obama deserves a big smackdown.

  6. Your d**n right, I'd much rather have my country in the hands of a guy in his 70's who could care less about the future because his years are almost up, and who also suffers from severe psychological trauma probably every waking moment of his life.

    Yes, put him in charge of the most awesome super-power there has ever been, give him the power to go to war with even more countries based on his wise discretion and judgment in the name of national security. We should make him supreme chancellor while we're at it, because after all, "he's the original maverick."

    By the way, I hate the libs too. Either way you look at it you loose.

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