
After years of being out the uk,I'm putting a car on the road tomorrow.I'm told everything can be done online-

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike after the MOT is done today / tomorrow, can everything be done without leaving the house, so to speak?

Are there any new pit-falls I should be aware of?

Any new laws to watch out for?

Thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. I would tax the car at the Post Office once the MOT is done and the insurance sorted. They would probably ask to see the cover note though so you would need to have recieved that before going to the Post Office.

    As said you can apply for Road Tax online and the MOT/Insurance is checked in real time. (The MOT update is the same day as my Fiancee did this last week), but will take a few days for the disk to arrive.

    It is illegal to drive without a valid disk on display even if it is 'in the post' from the DVLA.

    I ordered my tax disk online on Thursday evening and it hasn't arrived yet.

  2. You may want to visit the offical site:

  3. You can do it on line with insurance and road tax from DVLA, as long as you have your credit card or bank card. There is no pitfalls but it will take about a week for your tax disk to arrive,

  4. You are not allowed to drive the car if it does not have a tax disc displayed and the take about a week to arrive if you do it on line, also if it is lost in the post you have to pay for a duplicate. It is much better to take your documents to a post office where you will get it then and there, you can still pay by debit card at the PO but not credit card.

  5. Whilst you CAN do it on-line, it will be a few days for your tax disc and logbook to arrive.  You can't drive it until you have those in hand and the disc on the windscreen.  Most MOT centres are now on line and all insurance companies are as well, so your test and insurance information will be available to the DVLA in real time.

    The only drawback is that you must wait for the disc to arrive in the post.  If you go to your local Post Office, they can issue one on-the-spot so if you wish to drive it today, that's what you should do.

  6. Insurance can be done on-line or over the telephone. You can tax a vehicle on-line, but it needs to already be in your name and usually a few days is needed for the MOT and insurance to be registered.

    So in theory yes, but not for a new vehicle to you.

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