
After you breed bettas?

by Guest64836  |  earlier

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when you remove the female and later the male, you are suppose to put them in seperate tanks, right?

well, the male usually nips and chases the female so what do you put in her tank to help her frayed fins and missing scales?

ive heard bettamax works, but i cant find any.

does aquarium salt or Betta Revive work?




  1. I agree with Ghost Shrimp Fan, but bettafix is exactly the same as melafix so either work and remember to dilute it first or it can be harmful to the fish

    Good luck :)

  2. Yes, you need to keep your male and female in seperate tanks except when actively breeding them.  They will fight and injure each other if you don't.  A little aquarium salt or sea salt in your female betta's water will help her feel a little better as it is a natural antiseptic and helps encourage a fish's slime coat, which is their natural protective coating.  Bettamax is also good, as is Melafix.  If you can't find Melafix, try asking at a drugstore for melaleuca oil or tea tree oil.  Melafix is just the same stuff, only very diluted.  Just make sure you get the miscible kind, which means it will mix with water instead of floating on the top.  Only use a drop or two, and mix it in water before adding it, as the straight stuff can burn a fish's gills if it gets in direct contact.  It really does a great job at helping heal fin rips and tears on fish, though.

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